ya! KITA milik Allah,opppsss, salam, biasalah tu, dah lupa dgn salam sejahtera segalanya.
well, macam biasa lah, today is thursday, nanti malam will be headed to surau, Insya-Allah,
but thing is, about some other people. FINE! kalau tak nak pergi, tolong ye, tolong sesangat la sangat. jangan bagi banyak sangta alasan. like banyak sangat kerja. and ant sort of nonesense. Allah berada bersama kita the whole time of life, not by saying DAY, HOUR, because it is true, the whole of our life. Takkan lah, nak jalan sekejap ke surau pun dah mengadu banyak. Like pergi surau buat dosa sebab bercakap-cakap time ceramah? Apa tu? Boleh explain tak? Tak mengapalah, mungkin aku sja yang tak memahami orang keliling. memang kekadang, aku akui, itu ialah AKU. Tapi janganlah begitu. Ikhlaskan hati. Pahala tu, Allah nak bagi percuma. Tapi taknak. Seolah-olah.
"Ya Allah, tak apalah, bagi saja pahala tu pada orang lain. Hambamu ini dah terlalu banyak pahala" Macam itu kah? Teman-teman? Sudahlah, semoga kalian mendapat hidayah dari Allah. Insya-Allah.
Kedua; kawan saya sakit, kayap ular, apa tah. Tak kiralah. Tapi entah kenapa macam memang ada "gap" antara kami tapi tak mengapa. Dia tetap kawan aku. Mungkin ada salah aku pada dia. Semuga aku tahu apakah puncanya. Insya-Allah. Semoga cepat sembuh, kawan.
Ketiga; Aku cuba sedaya upaya berbaik. Alhamdulillah. Allah beri jalan keluar. Apa yang penting, aku sendiri kena kuat. Kerana mudah. Aku perlu sedar diri. YA! perlu sekali. Bukan salah mereka. Memang benar, seribu kebaikan pun tak mampu nak menutupi satu aib, sebabnya manusia itu selalu mengejar kesempurnaan sedangkan mereka sedar dan terlalu menyedari tiada siapa yang dilahirkan sempurna. Tapi itulah tabiinya manusia itu. Sering menafikan. Aku juga kekadang jika goyah sedikit iman, pasti demikian rupa lagaknya. Semoga sentiasa dalam lindungan-Nya.
Keempat; Untuk "awak". Saya harap, awak tidak terus menerus mengelirukan saya. Jangan melayani saya baik jika buakan saya orang "itu". Saya takut kemudian hari, saya menjdai mengharap pada sesuatu yang bukan milik saya. Sesuatu yang lebih parah daripada sesuatu yang tidak pasti.TK
Kelima; Saya perlu dapatkan 4.00 rata semester ini.
Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (2:216;Al-Baqarah)

Alhamdulillah (0_0)
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Monday, 7 February 2011
a place called MALAYSIA
salam, hahaha, still in KL, not yet KMM,
well the best moment at HUKM i thought would be.
and yes it is.
so, well full of "wrongy"
well, there is a man,
thought chinese, but then, MALAY (choi la u!)
second a man also, thought be malay,
i swear Chinese larh!
what is more hillarious,
thoght this kid Pakistan or what,
then, choi! Indian.
1 MALAYSIA lah today.
before went home,
i stopped by the farmacy.
there is a chinese kid (big round eyes and head)
syndrom i thought,
he farewell-ing me,
then i wondered arooun, ME????
next to him, Malay women.
I asked, your son?
"Bukan lah, tapi anak jiran"
bertambah-tambah CHHHOOOI!
the end~
well the best moment at HUKM i thought would be.
and yes it is.
so, well full of "wrongy"
well, there is a man,
thought chinese, but then, MALAY (choi la u!)
second a man also, thought be malay,
i swear Chinese larh!
what is more hillarious,
thoght this kid Pakistan or what,
then, choi! Indian.
1 MALAYSIA lah today.
before went home,
i stopped by the farmacy.
there is a chinese kid (big round eyes and head)
syndrom i thought,
he farewell-ing me,
then i wondered arooun, ME????
next to him, Malay women.
I asked, your son?
"Bukan lah, tapi anak jiran"
bertambah-tambah CHHHOOOI!
the end~
Sunday, 6 February 2011
the prosperity countless:)
Ni hao? Assalamualaikum to Muslim foremost:)
well, there are few person told me, how is it so hard that you have to make it sound right? Arghh, does not a big deal though, from now on, it is okay to be perfect, no sin! And procrastinate is just bad. Oh yeah, anyhow, HAppy Chinese New Year to all Chinese all round the world. well, Malaysian come first, :) Well, also I should be in college right now, but then, still stuck in KL (glad actually). It is just mumble actually, as today, I would like to come our with new thought. Race. Not the car races or motorbike or whatever nonsense it is.
"You know sis, this Interlok will face changes soon,"
"why?" I asked.
"Because some sort of words that considered as vulgar to certain races in Malaysia"
I nodded. Understood. Very.
She added.
"Come to think of it, serve them right. Really suit."
I replied. "If just they do understood about their history then, if not, we just have to compromise.
My little sis kind of want to have more argues. I preferred not . We all about having , no! Really multi races. So lets just stop it.
So then I started to think of the other part of it.
How is it, these Indian and Chinese that started from really at the bottom then now at the peak of everything in Malaysia? Huh, must be.
As the Malay, we always wait for help. Most of us, never try to find some other ways to get out from any hardship. And the status as Muslim should be really big help. But then? It is not that I am condemned about my own race, sadly that is the truth.
"We are here because of the politic issue" my Chemistry teacher once said that. She is tooo good to be really right. Well then, come to think of it. I hate in fact that I am myself still be a part of this bad attitude. May I always do remember about my own status.
well, there are few person told me, how is it so hard that you have to make it sound right? Arghh, does not a big deal though, from now on, it is okay to be perfect, no sin! And procrastinate is just bad. Oh yeah, anyhow, HAppy Chinese New Year to all Chinese all round the world. well, Malaysian come first, :) Well, also I should be in college right now, but then, still stuck in KL (glad actually). It is just mumble actually, as today, I would like to come our with new thought. Race. Not the car races or motorbike or whatever nonsense it is.
"You know sis, this Interlok will face changes soon,"
"why?" I asked.
"Because some sort of words that considered as vulgar to certain races in Malaysia"
I nodded. Understood. Very.
She added.
"Come to think of it, serve them right. Really suit."
I replied. "If just they do understood about their history then, if not, we just have to compromise.
My little sis kind of want to have more argues. I preferred not . We all about having , no! Really multi races. So lets just stop it.
So then I started to think of the other part of it.
How is it, these Indian and Chinese that started from really at the bottom then now at the peak of everything in Malaysia? Huh, must be.
As the Malay, we always wait for help. Most of us, never try to find some other ways to get out from any hardship. And the status as Muslim should be really big help. But then? It is not that I am condemned about my own race, sadly that is the truth.
"We are here because of the politic issue" my Chemistry teacher once said that. She is tooo good to be really right. Well then, come to think of it. I hate in fact that I am myself still be a part of this bad attitude. May I always do remember about my own status.
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