Alhamdulillah (0_0)

Friday, 16 April 2010

matriculation :I

what kind of feeling is it?
happy.sad. and unspeakable.
what is it??
best is.
or just many kuantan-ian got the same way too
bad is
i dunno
i am expected better.
hope i really can do better in future.
wow, so far.
not many of them really get into this.
i'm started -----
that is all.
bye2 :))

Saturday, 10 April 2010

untitled (part 1)

tak tahu apa yg nk dibuktikan o___o"
teacher rahayu <3
betul la kanak-kanak o__O''''
slps sukan..badan sihat otak cerdas..wah3 n_n
masih kanak-kanak (hate this!)
i am late! no..they are just earlier..hu3 :__:"
gembira melihat kalian :)
amin?? azhar??
i thought the left is me?? but not sure..:)
hottestt!! fuh3!!

girl:ana,farah,alyaa,eleen,siemah,bari,ieka,bieha,wani,ayuni,priya (A)/(F),chorm,visalini,shaz,mona,Pn ASMAH

p/s: semua ni ialah ihsan HILMI AZIZI :) tq
to be continued...

Thursday, 8 April 2010

past.present.future. (never no)

.i miss you dear.
.it has been about ( i dunno ).
.then, rather find something else to get over it.
.do enjoy(he said once).



.the three of them makes me belief there is such a great friendship like that.
.full of love.
.bucket of happiness.
.sorts of sacrifaction.
.gallon of tears (even).
.it is colourful friendship.
p/s and it doesnt a matter even if your buddy hates you, you still can the past together in present





.it is always a way out when something about to come.
.hatred is just nothing but a waste of your precious moment.
.the bond that shouldn't to be let it just be.
.harsh sacrifaction is just nothing.
.truth vs lie.
.me vs you.




.no matter how.



.all of them.
.stick together.
.just what is life.

.just life is.
.dont need to too ever it. (huh??!!)
.the status.

Sunday, 4 April 2010


1. Siapakah anda di rumah ?

anak yg sntiase di.... (lolz), kakak yg pemurah n penyayang, wah3, orang gaji part time,

2. Siapa anda di samping rakan ?

orang yg sntiase kacau kwn2 :)

3. 5 benda yang anda idamkan tapi belum tercapai

nak belanja adik2 aku benda2 yg really dowg nak,
nak dapat 4 flat dlm xm
nak dapat pujian spnjang hari dr org lain (cepat lah puji~)
nak buat solat penuh spnjang tahun
nak pergi haji n buat umrah banyak2.. (ya allah, perkenanknlah :) )

4. Siapakah nama pasangan anda

sape2 yg berkenan, just tell,ak letak name anda besau2..lalala~ (lbey kuwg ngan ayt DIAN)

5. Ceritakan 5 perkara yang paling anda suka tentang pasangan anda.

die pelix,
die paling berhrge (abang i, ayah i je)
die bly blnje i byk2, even beli stiap ahli family i banglo
die suke membebel (spe2 ja la :))
die sbnrnye x pnh wujud (nyh bru i dscribe bout my partner)

6. Bile tarikh anda couple??

tah la, byk sgt owh, huhu (bapak penipu towl)

7. Apa kenangan pahit anda bersama pasangan??

bile die nk nyushkan sy jer( bjet mcm ad)

8. Lagu tema cinta anda

xda, n belum pikir ag, lps kawen, kowt la :)

9. Apa perubahan yg anda ingin lihat dari pasangan anda ?

die jadi alim ulama' (melampau tol!)

10. Saya pass tag ni kat 10 manusia ini...

tak nak pass!!

weirdo kind of ...(i thought i'd lost this one, never mind just wanna post)


:FAR..FAR awayz..:

 sangat-sangat boring my life nowadays...truthly i felt like wanna get back all my study stuff and ready to crack my brain and study...
yeah..i did. but just stand for about a week. but then started to fade away, well2, somehow, it remindes me about how i did to my past. though, i thought its great after all, cuz, for my SPM spirit's of study, just can stand about 2 or three days. then i started  to bemerry. is fun..stop it FAR!!!
btw, really missed that name to call over and over again. Lyiana Akhiruddin is the one and only give me that name, and i guessed that almost all the students of MJSC Kuantan would know me by that really "unpleased" name, even once, just ONCE when my physic's teacher ask what should i call you during the ice breaking...
i really doesn't have any intention to tell my fav. teacher though that U should call me "FAR"...until my bestfriend asked me,
    :betul ka kao nk teacher panggil kao ngan name tue?:

but then best gak, it makes me more like i'm flying through the cloud when one of my friend (befriend since std. 5) said: kao Far , orang knl kao ngan name tue, so that kao beza dr the other Farhana all over this maktab'

yuhuuu~ mmg pown, i'm more allergic to the class 5B one, (is ittoo open) never mind, i swear she more gedix compared to the D's one,


was it that painful, i heard more from the guys side than the girls side, huhu, i know that i'm myself a girl,

a) when a boy is dumped by a girl?
   -it's a bucket of shame, just the boys cannot desribe, the ego that surrounds their not really hefty body (:DD) become useless..yeah3, especially when the girls are prettier, more importantly, smarter than them, richer??? i'm know how they felt..(really ???), yeah, i felt like i am at their situation..huhuhu..great far!!

b) when a girl is dumped by a boy?
   -she said,its nothing because i know i'm better (for those motivated n prasan sgt3 bagus!!) course they thought (aku tak lawa ka?? hodoh??) :no comment:

but the thing is, ak mmg tak layak un nak comment2 nyh, bukan ada pape experience un, kalo stakt tengok cerite2 smpai meleleh tu pernah la, itu pon anime, warghh!!! NARUTO (sudah, menyimpang saje..)
tapi kalau setakat frust tu memang ada, tak payah cakap la,

kalau nak diikutkan,sme cerita2 cintan aku, bukan cintan un, x penah, slalunyer, bile tyme ak sedar yang ak jatuh hati kat mamat tueh,mesty macam dah basi n kawan2 akan cakap,
dulu, die penah ske kat kao, tapi dah lambat, sian tol, tapi kan,,kite kenelah slalu fikirkan dr sudut positif... seriusly, ak macam tak kesah,
cumer yang penting, i couldn't tell myself yang owh..ak masih minat budak tueh..
dah la sgt2 pandai, dari f2, kan??lamer sgt2..tulah..kne start life yang sangat2 baru...tanpa mengharap apa-apa..
uhuhuhu..aku dah melalut terlalu jauh. far, sila pulang ke pangkal jalan!!
otey..till then..

tah ape tah :)

KerJA dR SeoRAng KawN (:/

Here are the rules to accept the award :

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award :


weh zahidah(:

aku tatau la nak tag cane ni. banyak sangat!

2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic :

1. dyana


3.teman invisible

4.teman rapat

5.pak cik tepi umah









14.fiza azman

15.korang yang baca blog aku ni(:

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award

kalau ak dh TERlebey rajin n rase dh cukup Tidur...

4. State 7 things about yourself

1.miss all my SPM revison edition

2. wanna sleep much more :) to count

4.naruto addicter!

5.too busy when online not how to say "he's handsome" (seyez)

7.have many siblings whose always get to fight!

Saturday, 3 April 2010



well, i'm done actually, yesterday, when i'm already typed so much thing, then the laptop just blank and damn stupid la, oppss,is it too much, i'm just stressed out...i just wondered what am i going to do in future,i mean not that for 10 years later, just i thought about a week lyke that..i'm life is stucked.

but nowaday, i have an old friend of mine, Amalina Omar...missed her damn sooo much lorh..muahaha...
she's been there for me for the whole night...he3, i do took for granted, soooryyy dear...
barh..i am just wanna share with my dear illusionaist world...hehehe..just kidddiinng..(stop it far!!) yeah3,

When you are break up wif someone...
 a) the girl side
    ~ i'm ashamed!!!
       *hahaha the who told you to couple2 huh???(soooryyy)
       *"am i that ugly??? even ugly that UGLY BETTY?"
then i am answered yours, yeah, even in real world, 'that' ugly betty is better than you,from some other side,
       *then "i'm glad, at last i'm freed from him, he'd just, too much control, i'm not even her wife yet
then, padan r muke laki tueh, wahahaha!!! (jujur sgt?? tak r)
some other might also said, i'm beautiful enough, so i can bear to find other guy, which is better...
(dasar pompuan mcm nyh prasan ja,)
tapi even though ada gak yang just want to make themselve feel better..keep on gurls..guys just..eehheemm..
(i'm not gonna say this, n donot expect me tosay something bad, cuz, i have many brother n father n late grandfather whose all of them are good guys...)

 b) the guys side
   no comments..i'm not a guy though, but so far, i have a lot (i really mean that) of friends among the guys, its true that they are "some" of them felt guilty, but some of them felt vice versa... so y don't you just ask your boys..lalala~

p/s korunk x rase lawak ka?? ble jmpe ag 10/20 tahun..wah!!!itu dlu gf/bf aku..hahaha..jgn la mcm tueh, buat malu ja,
ag satu untuk psngan yg kapel2 tueh, ag2 yg pompuan tue, ske2 aty ja bg lu punye pakwe kasi pegang sane sini,

well i have many boys mate, they said once yg dowg pown x ske pompuan yg terlalu murah owh, kalo pompuan mcm tue stakat nak buat foya2 n joli2 ja boley la, tapi kalo nak jd bini..hampeyh~~
(xda nyat nk ngate sesape, just korunk sme dh besau, pndai2 la pikir)

"O mankind, We have created you a male and female, and appointed you races and tribes, that you may know one another" (Sura al-Hujurat 49:13).

"tidak halal bagi seorang wanita yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian jika hendak berjalan sejauh perjalanan sehari dan semalam, melainkan bersama seorang lelaki yang mahramnya" (hadith riwayat Ahmad, Bukhari, Tarmizi dan Abu Daud)

  now, lets make something more lighter than talk about others doing, non-stop wondering of what am i gonna do now...i'm just un employed...just don't wanna try,  hahaha...i've many experiences in business, i'm the KoOP after all since form one, n getting bored being that, (not try to be ___)

what about, i wanna back to my school life, holding a pencil, get my brain stucked because of those unbearable formulae (even enstein not lyke that), but that is the fact that i missed all my past, especially when the exam fever, everyone just stick wif their damn thick ref. books...(not me!!) n my roommate just went outside the room G-36 just to study..guys, you have no idea most of the tyme, when i'm alone in that sloopy room, i'm fall asleep, just a few minutes before you guys coming back, yeah..i'm alive, with freshy face...

i not gonna tell myself again about how i felt today...!!! he3
actually i'm cluessless right now,just bored. (far, bape kali kao nk repeat??org dh bosan, ye3 aku pown)..


hahaha,i alredy missed damn much abaout someone who gave me that me, Norlyiana Akhiruddin..(x slh en yana??) huhu.. now i'm freshly remembered about this,

"apa aku patot panggil kao?"
"apa-apa yang kao suka lah"

actually bit regret la,that tyme, then she conclude that (so fast though) she (n everyone) should called me "FAR"...yan, thanks cuz you make me remembered you all the time, wah3 you must be so proud huh??i knew that..hehehe, till then until second year at college (sje nk gmpak), when first period of physic, during the ice breaking,
i once told the teacher (Pn. Wan Salehaton) , called me Far teacher, huhuhu..really i dont realized anything till then Azira Mokhtar once asked me,
"kao seyes? btol ka?"
 ehehe, for all those time past, i'm really hate that name, but then, i loved so much that name,
and almost every single living thing at that college known me as FAR, not even Farhana Azman, yeah, p;us, there are many Farhana in that college though, Nadia Farhana, Nurul Farhana, just  a few,


i don't wanna talk about my sensei, too many too be story for them it's about all my friends yang banyak mengajar, first of all, my homeroom mate, Azira, she's been very great after all, but still too many time of our preciuos time is argued to each other, i wanna say this we;re just like some other couple, aww..really sweet moment..when we fought, then the other would be our buddy to settle up, Zahidah!!

Azira: sme subject trmsk subject sperb ak, (bangge jap) BM, n sme2
then, husna ahmad juani (sbnrnye mcm tpt ak byk ngadu); ckgu chemist, bio n physic
syafiqah kecik (ckgu sejrah terutamanya) ahaha, teman ak, smpai mlm paper sejarah tueh, dn die yg jd saksi ak bercakap dalam phone ngan Mr. S malam tueh..malu!!! not blush...
Nabila Akmad pkhri n Effa sharmiza: dearest rommate, ckgu add. math
Syafiqah farhanah: math mod..
Diana Zalzali:add math gak
Zaidah : bio
n sme2 yg byk membantu smpai slip result SPM i xda Cacing un..huhuu..sgt2 berbangge wpon x sestraight owg lain...

n spesel thanks especially to Nur Alyaa Khairil Anwar yg slalu bebel n pakaikn ubt mate dr form4, kak zana un,
p/s kalau pasan, kbnyakan mmg owg yg sme ja, sbb, i'm kind of sick in silence, x ske sgt sebuk2 ngn owg lain, n bile dh rapat brulh nmpak betape kecohnye saye nyh..waduh2 ayat..skeme semacam,,,,
tapi mmg tol un..

i have to go..nak solat, uppss dah lmbat sgt..salam for now..