There you are Nur Farhana yang Alhamdulillah still being alive. Am have no idea about what heading me in future. That is why kept saying Alhamdulillah for being alive. And much more alive. How do you feel someday when you wake up you are not in this world anymore? Let's not talk about this just flashing back whenenver you have some sort of dream that you wouldn't be able to get back to real world. I'm myself afraid that I would never have time to to good deeds anymore. The end of your life. Not even having time to renew your repent? Yeah it is. For me.
By not specifically for only Muslim but any other religon also. They do believe that there is either Hell or Heaven for you awaited for the other phase of life. That is why people are stive for it. The only thing that I used to wonder. Really. We are different in many ways out, but we do have same believe.
Somehow, I wondered why those are non-Muslim can succeed in life whlist if you really see (I believe you know already) most of those NON really have soemthing into what they do. Hardworking. As my own self, I love watching people. I thorough things amongst Chinese as I "adore" them sometimes. They are really hardworking people. If some of my buddies say "Kita kan kene solat, mereka tak perlu, so banyak masa what?" Do they? Even it is, I admit it.But isn't it sounds like Solat would only wasting your time? Wake up people. We should be very proud that we have Allah as the only place to rely on. But they? Even of being as Buddist or Christian they are respect their religion. Not like most Muslim nowadays, they are very disrespectful. Just look at they way they dressed up. If the basic things about aurat you can't get and handle it how about your internal? Your iman? Your akidah? Maybe I get to much but that is the truth.
And sadly if friends try to give some advice they thought be rude. And get angry and worst is lost friendship. Is that the right way it is? That is world nowadayas. So.... unrule. Just be someone who take the advices for good. Remember that truth is hurt, but in the end, it do really sweeten up. :)
Till then. Wassalam.
Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (2:216;Al-Baqarah)

Alhamdulillah (0_0)
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Life about to happen!
Salam, It is almost been month ago that i have post the previous one. Glad. So glad and superb happily that something is up at my chatbox. Here he is. And now I am afraid that he read that post already. My Allah. My bad. Also really many issues that come to my own brain. I am really nobody right now. My routine daily totally can specifically said SUCKS! My daily attachment:
Azan Subuh : Awake and solat the get to sleep
9 am : Wake up for some documentary (Breakfast first!)
12 noon : Taking bath, tidy up everything
1-2.30 pm: Mythbuster (repeat and some music endorsement)
2.30-8 pm : Watching Japan movies
8-10.30 pm : Teaching my lil bro and sis
11.00 pm: Continue in front laptop up till at most 2 a.m next day
Really, I can tell, I am bored and life is on boring ( Right now)
So many things I up to the net. Memorizing command prompt and learn the tricks (on progress)
Science project (Berangan mahu buar robot, sadly,no money)
But the best thing, baca artikel agama. A lot. Can choose but just beware of something might fake.
Currently on nuclear reading and blogging.
so off till then, love all and salam. May Allah bless all of us:)
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