Alhamdulillah (0_0)

Sunday, 29 January 2012

bored people did this

>ever since from form 4, not gonna copy other people's work/assignment/quizzzy/test                               (well never on test or final)<
>having best moment(s) for 2012 (either friend/family/foe (???)/etc)<
>I wanna hug and kiss my baby (s)<
(my adik says, you din have yet)
>Kiss my lil sis every time I get home.<
>Pray that I never have to repeat any paper (Amin..)<
>Wanna have DSLR @ New Phone (success) <
> Compulsory to get the Polka Dot baju kurung
>1st of all (NEVER LEAVE SOLAT) :p <
>Never left a day without study<
>Puasa ganti dah habis (Alhamdulillah)<
>Don't want have big fight with my mom anymore<
>At the end of the year, have RM350 saving <
>At college least my eating habit<
>Owned a laptop (Success)<
>Keep on, no list of enemey :) <
>Soulmate :)<
>Even if I know I can't do that, never influence people that they can't too.

Love every moments of life. What I have now may have to let go, maybe just a few seconds, minutes, days, weeks,months,years
but best of all NEVER.
Hold on to whatever I do now. Insya-Allah I am always at the right place to be.


Iman Yang Menipis :((


Baru I perasan, dulu, kalau cuti je, mesti carik kawan, ajak keluar @ melepak @ bazir masa @ etc , but now, macam budak yang sangat baik (erkk..) duduk terperuk di rumah. Dan hanya menghabis kredit phone kira - kira   RM 7 seminggu atau lebih. hahahaha
Dan nilai itu hanya digunakan utk :
1. Mesej "kau"
2. Call "kau"
3. Cari org bilaadahalpentingaje

Kalau dulu juga , memandangkan aku pakai bil. So bil tu agak melambung-lambung. tapi macam buat tatau je. Now, bila dah besar macam anak hippo ni, ak baru tahu apa itu nilai wang ringgit. Kesiannya lah kau, Far, hahahaha.

Then, then, then. 
Kenapa kan? 
>> Ada orang tu, dia ada hampir semua.<<
Kalau belajar tu, semua senang saja, finance pon ok. rumah ada, family ada, tapi kan?
Something yang mungkin mereka cakap takkan cukup.

:Bagi aku senang aje, mungkin pengabdian kau pada Tuhan yang tak cukup. Cuba kau fikir sejenak. Semua yang kau dapat tu, setiap nikmat dari mana datangnya? Jangan kira kejayaan yang kau peroleh, tapi fikirkan nikmat pada badan kau, anggota badan kau cukup kan? kau masih mampu MELIHAT , MENDENGAR, SENTUH, MERASA, bukan begitu?

Semua tu datangnya jadi yang Maha Pencipta. 
1.The other bodily functions were veiled, and the eye did not see though open “You would have thought them awake, as they lay sleeping” (18: 18).

(about all joints inside you)

there are a lot. Alhamdulillah this holiday, at least I learn something new. the Almighty of Allah as the Superb Creator. The Best engineer, Biologist, Architect and all the profession nowadays. 

Even, I am born as a Muslim , I am not proud at all if I am just born-be-like-that. I have to discover more. 

That is why Allah granted Us as human being with the Akal to think. 

Animals have brain, but they do not owned the Akal, indeed they still berzikir to Allah no matter what they are, as a cat, ant, spider, or even a dog. they knew that they are belongs to Allah.

Then why we, as human, yang mana Allah angkat kita sebagai sebaik-baik kejadian, tetapi refused to think about the Keesaan Allah. subhanallah. Even though I am not as good as other Muslim out there, at least i knew what I am doing.

Thank You, Allah for everything. Islam hanya pada i/c tak membuktikan anda Islam. tapi carilah dan hayatilah Islam itu sengan seadanya.
tak malukah kita ? Yang sudah dilahirkan dengan nikmat Islam, sekurang0kurangnya jalankan tanggungjawab sahaja sebagai seorang Islam, indeed orang yang TIDAK DILAHIRKAN sebagai MUSLIM terpaksa mencari Hidayah itu sendiri. Kerana Hidayah itu bukan datang bergolek tetapi perlu dicari.

Dan mereka-meraka itu tatkala mula FALL IN LOVE with Islam, they are way way way better than us ? Kalau anda tanya saya, saya jawab. Malu. Indeed ada among my friends yang non-Muslim, if they ask about Islam and I can't answer. I feel very ashamed being as a Muslim. be continued..kne panggil luch. Salam.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Expecting sometimes turns into something REALLY dissapointed.
So, DO NOT expect from something you already know it is not worth it AT ALL.
Annoyed but each person different.
p/s I am not telling lies.
currently listening to : We Found Love by Rihanna.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Perkara yang dilakukan atas dasar TERPAKSA,
takkan menjadi.
Ia memerlukan KETERBUKAAN dan KEIKHLASAN hati dan jiwa.

24 hours cycle

Assalamualaikum :)
Uarghhh!! Ana, who ask you to sleep till very late at night? Now, see.. what happen? Baru nak solat Subuh pukul 12.09? Well at noon. Bagus yer?
Astaghfirullah hal A'zim.
 And here it is.
A dialogue between a youngest brother and eldest sister:
YB : Tak baik buat orang macam tu, apa salah dia?
ES : Entahlah, rasa geram je, tapi tak pe, later I'll be okay. *senyum tak ikhlas
YB : Kalau kau tak cakap, diam je , kau ingat orang tu bomoh ke? Kesian la.
*berfikir seketika
ES : Ok. Nanti orang cakap.
YB : Kau kena cakap. Ingatm kalau kau benda jadi betul, kau kene terus cakap, tapi jangan terus marah jugak, semua orang pon buat salah, betul tak?
ES : Ok la~ Tapi betul ek? Tak elok?
YB : Sebab kalau orang kat tempat die, orang tak suka.
ES : Janji, nanty orang cakap, kay?

Later after that, yeah, I take my own words. But later also, lain yang jadi. Really maybe just everytime about my fault. 
I am being so unthinkable
I am being very lame
I am very like "Shut Up, Ana!"
And seriously I felt like crying when no one ever knows that :"(
Thank you , Allah for giving me the strength.

And what is more pain, 
when I'm try to do anything good the next minute, the next hour, the next day,
The EGO controlled people and those bad words come out.
Do not teach me with some kind of EGO.

Maybe I am just too bad to receive the kindness.
Allah bless us.
Amin :)

Monday, 23 January 2012

First of all, Happy Chinese New Year to all Malaysian especially Chinese one.
But as for me, I am just having fun wif my family.
These are a part of it. I wanted put more but someone seems not at ease about that so, I respect you,sayang :)

 Well, this is cat, not dog :p

in spite of that, now i am in the middle of this terrible fever. Might be of this teeth want to grow or the change of temperature. Perlis and KL just ways too different. Now I love being in Perlis.
Till the, Salam :)

Friday, 20 January 2012


can i just say, a bit bored?
Maybe just the started.
i miss u alreday
but dunno u
Take care, Ana :))

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

(aku ingt die Melayu, sekali Cina lah!!!)
hahaha suddenly teringat kat die.
Satu benda lah, sbb kan aku sangat admire die dulu,
mmg kerja aku stalk die lah kan?
Die sangat3, hebat English sampai aku pon berazam nak hebat macam die.
Alhamdulillah juga :))

p/s: rindu nak usha die makan kat kafe B. Seluar pendek die yang sangat seksi. :D

I LOVE IT :)))

At last as for today,after about 2 weeks straightly, I am getting this SOYA BEAN MILK. 
Thanks a lot to Thuraiya :))
Hahaha,,before this sebabnya,,dh kering sangat poket kan, so tahan la nafsu aku yg sangat membuak-buak untuk minum benda nih.
Gila tak gila,,.
Nikmat seyh..Sekali Ana beli yang besar punya.
Jimat!!! Just RM2.40 jika dibandingkan beli satu satu yang kecik,
satu kotak RM1.00 berapa ml la sangat kan?

 1 liter weh :))
 X ingt berapa ml, yg penting lg byk dr kotak.
 Vsoy lagi sedap sbb die punya macam sangat2 "home-made"
Yang ni agak pelik sikit rasa die. Tah. tp still ok la :/ still nk enjoy my soya. Da~

Friday, 13 January 2012

Have you ever thought that WHEN you CARE about me it just the 
same CARE you have when your FRIEND get sick?

Have you ever thought that you just want be with me just
 because you are LONELY and NOT READY YET for commitment?

Have YOU ever thought that YOU are not even want TO TRY,
just LEAN on the FUTURE plan?


I have thought that 
"Am I will get something for this?"
"How it will end?"
"Is it just a role of theater of life?"

*I should not do "that". That is all my fault. I should not OPEN it. And that suppose not to happen.
But again. Everything happen there are reasons behind that. 
Think and pray to Allah. He'll help you out. Insya-Allah :))

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Memoirs (2)

 I miss the so much.

 We are the champion :))

Memoirs (1)

 After SPM
 Form 5
 2 days before I went to  MJSC Kuantan. That time I feel so excited that I can get out from SAB. But then, now I think that better for me stay there. But and but, if that all not happen I may be who I am today. Thanks to my mom a lot. Love you, mama.
 After SPM, PD :)
 Same .
 My youngest brother.
 Erkk,, why is my cousin here? 
He is an expert about piano.
 My youngest and eldest brother.
Scenery in front my house.
From my bedroom. 
Goshh,,, I miss it so much T__T''

Till then.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Kick Out???!!!

I am really gonna cry because we have to be apart. By the time you call me
"Far,kita copkan awak satu rumah dengan Nadia tau?"
"Habis kita masuk sorang? Awak?"
Belum sempat she want to answer suddenly hang up.

Really Ana have severe problem in communication.
It takes might be months for me to get OK with my
new roommate(s).
Well semua yang Allah tentukan pasti ada hikmahnya.
Aku redha. Bukan pasrah. I'll try my best.
"Ooo Allah, do make it easy for me. To You the only
place I seek for helps. You are the Almighty."

Monday, 9 January 2012

Lovely and Randomz :)

Sekolah adik *Baju UniMAP (my fav)
Baba is praying while Ana and Muhamad play around 
*jgn ikut, no good:))
Mood:Perasan :p
Ssshhhss *concentrating on CP 
Nak baju kurung polka Dot
*someone get one for me?? :))
I'd love too. I want it so bad.
On one windy + cozy day. Doing lab.
*tangan  Abg Halim.
That guy in black shirt, he is Engkeat Liew. Very naughty one. But it is really fun to have buddy like him.
I miss him with Bear, Jing Xi also WenYean.
Abdul Halim Suhaimi. Lemah lembut orangnya. Tapi...

Ayokkk~~ Caught u Ana, berangan lagi .o.O