Alhamdulillah (0_0)

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

splendid day over!

hahaha, at last weyh,
td pergi blk aras mate aku,
MASITA (die yg suruh ltk)..arghhh..ak dipaksa!
hahaha, hari nie result kuat,
macam ape je, actually sgt2, stressed out!
sebabnye, result saya macam ape je,
tapi suke...::))) sebab chemistry dpt A-
fizik A-, and math aku, B-,
yang aku ta suke tue, math la,
kenapa mesti mcm nie???. k,
far!!! stop it,
just jdlah hamba yang sntiasa bersykur wpon apa
yang kamu harapkan tak dapat,
Allah tahu yang terbaik buat kamu:)
baiklah, nanti balik bilik nak study math,
BI sama seyh! tak ubah, but hope for band 6?
at least 5, is it okay?
may allah make it comes true
till then, salam and congrate to those yang succeed.

Friday, 26 November 2010

after 6 months :)

since aku dah terlalu banyak kene bebel ngan teacher, oh
teacher bukan specific pada aku, 
but then, felt like down,
hahaha, too fast huh???
k3, what so about it....
aku rasa sgt, a.k.a agak
tekanan senarnya sebab, bagi aku 
syllibus dah makin mencabar. 
what the fish!!!!
math chapter 1 dah macam kantoi,
so fizik chapter 2,
thank to Allah,
Kimia is better so far,
so Far, keep on, 
always prays and ask for help from Allah,
He is the best!
Ya Robbi, Ya Karim, Ya Robbul a'lamin.
dah la tu far! k2, salam to all:)

Friday, 12 November 2010

penghayatan sebenar

this gonna be malay version post.
semalam bersamaa 11.11.10 ada satu ceramah penghayatn agama,
yes, really like it

sangat2 tak rugi rasanya ana pergi, berbanding sgt ramai kawan muslim yang memang malas nak g even yang yang pergi dengan alasan WAJIB. tolong lah korunk, apa korunk nyer penghayatan tentang islam tu dah bagus sgt k? sampai terlalu sombong dengan ceramah yang dianggap kecil tue? demi Allah seorang yang bergelar MUALLAf itu jauh lebih baik dr orang yang hanya islam pada keturunan sahaja.  ak sendiri yang mula sedar (Alhamdulillah) utuk tak hanya menjadi Islam yang keturunan masa aku form 2, sangat lambat bagi aku, kerana setelah 14 tahun lebih berada atas bumi ciptaan illlahi, baru detik tu aku mula sedar akan keyakinan pada Allah yang esa. dan aku still benci pada keadaan diri yang sangat mudah terpengaruh dengan kepalsuan dunia.
sama dengan firman Allah dalam quran yang bermaksud
      "sesungguhnya ketahuilah bahawa dunia ini hanya permainan dan senda gurau bagi yang memikirkan..."

benar sangat, ak sebenarnya terlalu bersyukur dengan nenek aku yang sebenarnya, bukan islam. dia yang lahir dalam keluarga yang memang PURE CINA dari tanah besar China di Beijing, memeluk islam pada usia 18 tahun kerana dianggakat oleh keluarga melayu setelah beberapa tahun. walaupun ada yang tak percaya, yes, ak un tak da rupa cina, but still darah bangsa itu masih mengalir. aku un tak pernah banggakan bangsa itu, yang dulunya aku anggap sebagai antara bangsa yang BERSATU tapi setelah aku sendiri cari dan jumpa dalam al-quran surah al-hasyr (insyallah)
    "...kamu sangka mereka itu bersatu padu, sedangkan mereka itu hatinya sentiasa berpecah-belah..."
kaji dan lihatlah sendiri.

cuma kat sini aku nak cakap, aku bukan jenis yang mudah memandang orang . tapi suka memerhatikan orang. dan akhirnya gak terSTUCK kat satu spesis nie, agak pelik tapi itulah aku. setiap kali aku pandang dia, apa yang aku fikir? Ak membayangkan dia terkapai-kapai di azab Allah di akhirat kelak, bukan bermakna aku di pintu syurga, jauh sekali, kerana aku memang belum layak untuk itu, dan pula tak sanggup berada di [intu yang sebaliknya. aku ingin sahaja membantu tapi, ak hanya berdoa, ya! aku macam tak berusaha, tapi sekurang - kurangnya, aku mengingati. (ini merepek sikit). okay masa dah nak time nih, got to go (maaf guna english)

esok gonna MUET. wish me luck and semoga allah permudahkan segalanya. Amin..\

Saturday, 23 October 2010

the past of the months ever.

salam :)
oh , first of all, thanx of all and what a great and foremost
pleasure when at last before home sweet home,   i can really hit the keyboard again!
well, much things that i am about to say, but 
as for now, "wait faR!"
the exams is not ever yet,
the flag of independent just raised but not 
waving with lots of wind.
 okay, just for now,

1. English
terribly stressed up when i'm just blurred! but still thanx to Allah that
at least i've wrote something

part of leisure.:)

even the pro is stressed, so how about me?
damn it. may allah make it easy

4. physic
i'm just fall in love with the q's but 
oh allah
"robbi yassir wa la tuassir"

that is it. am just wait for gate of KMM to let me out.
a great wave of goodbye.
till then

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

fun or fear?!

salam to my own self and anyone:)
1. thought of raya? yeah moght be great i guess after been through all the ramadhan. i missed ramadhan freaking much as i couldn't expressed it. but something about the lailatul qadar. i hope i do really got it. my last night at KMM . i am still awake till 3 or something and end up with being too sleepy in lecture hall. the thing that i am really wondered is when i heard sound of birds berkicau whatever. i'm myself being soo much amazed and my moith like stucked and i am not even can tell the rest of my roomate! end here:p

2. celebrate raya at melaka. specifically LUBOK CHINA , melaka. thing that really make me really red (i know i'm kind of dark skin) but seriously.
"Dim, can you let Farhana enter the toilet first? she wanna pee!"

and soo sudden i'm being really straight. with kind of oh Allah, malu giler! felt like don't wanna get out from the toilet. but actually i'm telling this. i wanna do some gurl's stuff not peeing! then after about less than 5 minutes. i getting out from the toilet and with the towel covered my head (he3 still care about aurat:)) bit smiled:
"ermm, sorry for taking ur time and thanx"
he was actually talked to his dad which my uncle and suddenly turn back at me and smiled back

"it's ok"


the end!

3. i still have lot of burdens! assigment! i'll promise start today!

salam ramadhan to all")

Monday, 6 September 2010


here i am being so excited
my dad says:
prepared for everything by 4 bertolak:)
very excited damn much
that's all
and also not much to say;
just for awhile ,
being bad mood dunno while,
thax to all my fwen being very understanding:
it just me, mmg sgt ta suke tgh bad then people around keep asking why what and whatever,
love you guys freaking much
sgt memahami:)

Friday, 3 September 2010

tremulous tremendeously

salam to my deep inside soul
and those who break the windows created

 my last post, i've been really tremulous about my study nowadays
being soo much sleepy during the lecture
its just not the same.
cox most of the time ididn't get the chance to at the front
but somehow when my mate
: far, kao nak duk dpn x?
i am just, yes!!
that's just bacause i know if i'm sit at the back,
am gonna started to roll the tears
so as today, i wanna share something if u all on



Get plenty of rest the night before your lecture. This is one of the best ways to stay awake during a lecture or a long class. Since you should have a good idea of how long the lecture will be, prepare yourself ahead of time.


Sit in the front of the lecture hall. You are less likely to fall asleep while sitting directly in front of the lecturer. Plus in the front, everything is louder and brighter.


Participate. For any opportunity that the lecturer gives their audience to participate, volunteer your answers.


Take notes. Not only will taking notes come in handy as far as retaining information and being able to revisit the lecture ideas later, but it keeps you occupied and listening. Focus on the task and the lecture will be over before you know it.


Eat sour candy. This surge of tartness is sure to keep you alert. Even hot balls or some sort of cinnamon candy will work. Keep enough with you to last throughout the entire lecture if need be.


Drink something. Keeping something to drink near you will keep your hands, arms, and mouth busy.


Organize yourself. Use your organizer and day dream about the things that you need to get in order. Of course you won't be paying too much attention to the lecturer but you're at least awake.


Find something else to do. Prior to your lecture, stash something quiet that will occupy your time in the lecture--a journal, personal digital assistant, cell phone, etc

but, man! this is fasting seasons.
DO NOT EAT in public

receptackle ur hands and ask for Allah's help
"robbi yassir wa tuassir, Allah humma zidna i'lman, warzukna fahman wasiah, wafahman nabiyyin, wahifzol mursalin, wailhamalmala ikatul muqorrobin. Allah humma fakkihni fiddin, waal'limun birrohmatikaya arhamarrohimin"

May this somehow not really efficiently help, but at least not completely asleep..its okay if u just tersengguk.

Do not try this:

the white is me:DD and the rest of my class member

keep ur phone away!

 do not talk during lecture. respect those at front:)

May Allah blessed all of you.

brain teaser!

like wanna nagging and keep on,
someone, need to lend ur ears!
hahaha, really stress out man:((
my math and chemistry is okay i guessed,
but howz my physic.
am keep on doing whatever useless and wasting during lecture.
mama: i am soory..
but then my chemistry also about to die, chpter 7
still man, chapter 5
(miss salwana said: u have to make some research on this topic)
i'm laughed and keep on smiled whenever she said that
but deep inside:
yeeesss, i will:)
hehehe thanx teacher.
so as chpter 6;
thax to muzaimah, wan nor zaleha, ikmal, shazli, mia and neno
[u guys really helped me out]
btw, i'm jealoused:
syed, he had the chances.
hate!! he got private tutor!
great soo far,
wan always help me out wif neno, and mia
and sakilla too...
just keep on typing, mumbling and whatever in english.
but my teacher always kept support me
"u can doit!"
thanx alot teacher,
p/s tomorrow my turn, english may Allah gives me wif lots of inspiration
till then:)

Thursday, 2 September 2010

hard feeling:(

i dunno, i might say that:
girl, i dunno if i might say this,
what r u tryn' to do?
please do cover and try to hide what u're feeling,
its called JIHAD!
i thought u knew.
am i getting jealousy?
oh Allah, do protect me,
the only what i do really seek from this journey
just YOUR only REDHA.
do strengthen this heart.
i may, but when this iman i have,
i wanna always flee away from this.

042.011 (He is) the Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by this means does He multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things).

[eyh, beware of ur friendship, knows the limits:DD]

keep on far! do be a strong women. not the one who just like that:)
May Allah blessed you, Farhana

*p/s i'm always being so much grateful for having such  great buddies whom can laugh and cry together. even we're diff by own thoughts, but we are one, thanks to all friend for being so much nice to me, even we do make up wif lots of fights, i do love you all, no exception. and the bestest for u guys, i'll never forget you in every pray.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

what are never seen before! he3

salam, n happy end of sahur,
have no idea, kinda bored ,
so after i'm being so fixated of all my folders, this are what i have found tiz morning,
check tiz out guys,
dedicted to all ex and former pst-29

and the cntinunity, he3


who's that chick??wahaha3


and this the nyte before physc's paper!
for my own saticfaction.
but still as i went to check for my ups results. i am flabbergasted and felt like wanna fled away from all this,
i've done my best, but my physc's was the worst after all, now
what is i can always tell my own self, if u'r not achieved of what u wanna achieve
just thanked and redho of want you have,
keep on going till the end far!
May Allah always rains me wif a tonnes of bless.
till then

Saturday, 28 August 2010

we are the champiaon???!

salam kepada semua. happy ramadhan:)

okay, just wondered why is it soo sudden that i have to put my face for the start? yeah, must be really annoyed.and freaking too. (just try to be humble bit while). alright stop it far! bored n_n. alryte2, just wanna share something. first and foremost, thiz kind of post is especilally to all my dearest and beloved classmate (kmm i suppose:0) restrictly do ask my permission before make it as your profile photo in your facebook especially. (kidding..but still~)

pon3..the hon is souding and hissing much high frequency and very low amplitude. (very nyaring oh)

1.just us!
and during the bored class (i supposed not)

look carefully: what would it be when someone hold and try as possible to stand his head? you are definately right, he just bored!

the same thing, even during presntation.

oh Allah, do rain me wif a lot of your help. the ustazah is now looking at me actually. just now i realized.

but still, can't believe this camera lens, not my eyes, he is cncentrated on them. was he?
(i don't think so..he3)

2. PE lessons

i do admitted, i hate PE class freaking sooo much as i love physic soo much, but then when i am first entered this PE lesson at KMM, it kinda feeling, yeah, i do enjoyed, so this apart of our bluufff lesson.

-we're never mentioned about this test. really testing us.
from left: neno, anis and sis yana
they seemes happy wif the q's
from left: dan and din (roolling)O.O
zai said: arghh.. at last, we're done!
from left: zai, Q, ikmal
i have no idea
from left:again dan and shazli

so, this was when the "dancing" (ha3) test

okay, balik ke malysia! bosan ok mndanyh, tp still enjoy r, and nie adalh list pemenang bg individu
1)wan zaleha
and.. maaf tak ingat, but seingat ana, 4 lah, nevermind, maaf la ek,

 saat paling best, sbb ley tdo, instead of tutorial which just cncntrate (have to) really, can't sleep weh, fuh3~ especially math r, cox, always x complete tutor.

4. the day taht reveal evrything
whether u have study all thiz while or just even copy ur friend hardwork
(even if ur friend dun wanna give to you, they have to, otherwise, they are claimed as.. STINGY)

and 'we' do make a ranking

and the girl side

start dr yg 3rd ladies n lain2. i really have no idea, so till then. and strive for 4 flat for PSPM.
*those who cn achieved 4 flat, korang takan ad hrapan nk blajr luar negara, sbb krajaan akn smpan korunk jd aset negara. ha3

salam mubarak:)

Saturday, 31 July 2010

mate? :)

a : sape mate kau tueh? nak kenal?
b : huh? kenapa kau ta pernah ad mate ka?
a : kawan?
b : iyelah, kao ingat ap? BF?
si A hanya mampu tersenyum. ni yang ak nak bebel jap nyh. ak memang tak pernah ada BF atau juga dikenali dengan nama penuhnya BOYFRIEND. i mean, pakwe lah, kalau stakat bofprend saje, sgt2 ramai...oppsss. ramai lg kwn pompuan..he3 back to the topic..aiyk???topic??
ada ke? he3 ok2,

q:best k ad BF?
a:ak jawab ek, mungkin best, tapi izinkan aku berbongkak jap. ak ta pernah teringin nak ada boyfriend. sbb? sng je, ak takutkan Allah. insya-Allah. (maafkan sy tuan and puan)

q:habis? kamu takde perasaan ke?
a: soklan ke nyh? mestilah ade, tapi lain perasaan dan nafsu. kebanyakn antara kita bernafsu. bukan memang bernafsu. betul? sebab tu lah bley smpai couple2 nyh.

q:kau tak pernah ke minat2? usha2?
a: aku kan ladies (n_n) mesty lah ade nyer, tapi secara jujurnya pernah hanya seorang saje. (bak kate kwn ak, biar benar? spanjang 18 thn aku hidup). tapi itulah kenyataan. nak kate mamat tu ensem? biase je. baik? nakal (dh name laki) habis? lelaki biasa yg tak perfect. aku minat kerana bile ak ad problem sng je jawapan die. bayakkan zikir n ingat allah (same je en?) kerana agamanya. [keNAPA PNJANG JAWAPAN KAU]

Q:bile? skrang ap jadi?
a : dari awal f3 till now? merepek! skarang tade ap2 sampai bile, dh kate minat je, mane ad ap2.

soal jawab oleh seorang mate yang agak rapat ngan aku. ak un have no idea napelah die tanye soalan yang takan masuk xm.hehehe

tapi bagi aku, kalau orang lain sibuk banyak giler pengalaman ngan Bf die ke hape? dating? luah2 perasaan, bagi aku aku ada ramai kawan untuk aku buat benda yang sama.
eleyh cakap je apa un (blgak nyer kao far,)

1. surat-menyurat?
hahaha, aku pernah lah bagi surat kat GF aku sbbkan ak terlalu sygkan friendship kitorang.

slalu je dlu, jangan pelik, jeles2 un ada, asal aku mngendeng ngan yang lain, jap agi dia un mula lah buat yang sama. ak jeles! tapi itu hak die, nak halang un ta boleh..T-T

hehehe rindu r plak saat itu, aku pura2 answer phone kat tangga, sorang kawan aku datang
R: kau gaduh ngan A? kau marahkan die ?
A: entahlah... (macam nak tak nak)
R:kalau dia datang nak intak maaf? kau maafkan?

jap agi, aku toleh je, "FAr!! ak nak intak maaf"
rindu giler lah, geram gak r sebab pehal nak guna orang tengah segale, tapi tak pe. n_n

sekarang kami memang berkawan baik. n sangat baik. semua orang pun tak sempurna begitu juga GF aku nyh, tapi mak aku kate.
"kalau orang tu buat salah dan kau rasa buruk sikapnya tu,
 bencilah perangainya (hanya dengan hati yg dalam) bukan
dengan membenci dirinya. hatta orang miskin yang kusut masai
 sekalipun. bencilah keadaannya yang fakir itu, bukan dirinya.
kerana kalau kau benci dirinya, bermakna kau benci kepada yang

"berkawan dengan semua kerana ia silaturrahim
dan Allah cinta pada
yang suka bersilaturrahim (ikut syariah)
bukan kerana sesuatu"

semua tu memang benar. anad insya-Allah aku akan pegang sepanjang aku berkawan, berteman , bersahabat dengan sesiapa.

walau apa-apa un ak masih respect kat sape2 yang couple, just korunk sume pandai2lah jage diri masing.cuma lebey baik kalau menjauhi kan? aku un tada lah nak marah-marah orang yang bercouple. cume tayahlah samapi over n buatsume mate yang memandang macam nak campak je korunk jauh2...maaf...
n enjoylah hidup korunk selagi diberi peluang dan nikmat kehidupan olehNya.amin...

Friday, 30 July 2010


wah!!! uwuuuu..... (mengeluh jap)
hehehe..ak sangat gumbira senarnya, sebab??? hehehe ak dapat date ngan gf ak, hahaha sangat happy weyh, dia dtg senarnya nak buat keje apa tah, tapi end ngan kuar jalan2 ngan mak aku and die un balik lewat malam...aha padan muka kau JIRA hehehe, maaf lah tapinya. apa2 un, thanks sangat, ak eppy oh, mak aku un happy, tah lah, ko ngan mak aku macam sekepala je aku tengok. bagus r.
till then, jap ag ak bwat pos lain plak. (tamaknye kau FAr)
n_n (symbol nyh memngingatkn ak pada someone) imy:)

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

((((( imy )))))

baru hari nie, ak sedar
ak sebenarnya sedang menanti
banda yang memang takkan pasti

baru tadi ak sedar,
eyh: kenapa takda apa-apa
yang nak berlaku?

walaupun mungkin,
TAK memang bukan die,
aku takut.
dan YA, aku memang
COWARD giler,

aku takut nak tahu
siapa kau,
bagaimana agaknya kau
tapi hanya pada NAMA
yang kau mungkin tipu aku,
aku takut hadapi kenyataan

agaknya itu memang engkau?
kerana entah kenapa semacam bahagia
palsu atau tidak belakang r cter,
tapi macam biasa
"YA ALLAH kau berikanlah sebaik-baik kesudahan pada pengakhiran penantian ak"
ak harap aku akan terus berharap pada
yang khayalan yang benar
bukan pada khayalan kotak fikiran aku yang
(penuh dgn formula fizik dan math)

senan citer. aku tau, itu kau, tapi aku tak berani nak cakap even pada diri aku,
so aku akan terus menanti (mungkin)
sampai biler...
watch ouT!!!

aku bosan:)imyal

this song i'll dedicate to all my friend whom always give another chance every after each, thanks and i'm sure i'll never forget it. especially the one whi'd gave a LOVE LETTER before.
by: kana


Kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo

Donna toki datte itsumo

Waratte irareru

Tatoeba, hanarete itemo nannen datte mo

Zutto kawaranai desho

Watashitachi Best Friend

Suki dayo, daisuki dayo

Konna osoi jikan ni gomen ne

Hitori ja seppatsu matte kita no

Kimi no koe sukoshi kiketara


Nande mo uchiake rareru

Mama nimo ienai koto mo zenbu

Dareyori mo wakatte kureru

Ureshii toki wa jibun no koto mitai ni

Yorokonde kurete

Dame na toki wa chanto shikatte kureru sonzai


Kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo

Donna toki datte itsumo

Waratte irareru

Tatoeba, hanarete itemo nannen datte mo

maaf lah, bear nih agak seksi, smalam g GULATIS terlupa nk blikn die sutera kat sane.. (wahahaha)

 ( English )

Thank you

I’m glad that you’re here

No matter the time

I can always smile

No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other – Nothing will have changed

We’re Best Friends

I love you, I really love you

I’m sorry for waiting so long to say this

I was driven into a corner alone

When I hear your faint voice

I felt like I could make it

I can tell you anything

Even things I can’t tell my mom

You understand better than anyone

When I’m happy

you’re just as happy for me

And you’re the one to scold me when I’m wrong

Thank you

I’m glad that you’re here

No matter the time

I can always smile

p/s alahai, maaf lah, asyik cakap ape2 je mesty ak gune NARUTO, he3, bg aku cter nyh sgt lengkap n sesuai giler ngan jiwa ak, tapi ak tanak la friendship yang totally irony and tragic like this. i want the used to be but still some kind of excitement. hahaha, rindu kat kwn2 yg slalu ak pinjam or kasi pinjam komik and CD...paan, zul, farah, radhi, sharif dan WANI

*note that:this post untuk wan nur zaleha: hahahahaha

Sunday, 25 July 2010

unknown...???!!! never know.

salam,to my only self..guess so, today is...25th of July 2010 and the day was somepart in October or September 2006... it's been very long moment. but somehow i'm glad to be what a part of life that depends on fate. once everything just dont want me to say YES even i want to. somehow the fate already made me say YES even if i dont want to, may Allah make it easy for me, i believe and hold tight for this holly quran said

 Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: "We believe," and will not be tested.

 And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allah knows all that before putting them to test).

ayat 2 dan 3 surah al ankabut

or else sometimes if we wish to have that and never get the chance dont we ever thought bad about Allah. Allah is the creator. Allah knows every single thing that you never know.
last but not least:

"Ya Allah tuhan yang maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, kau lindungilah aku dari sebarang godaan dunia yang akan merosakkan diriku kelak, robbi yassir wala tuassir"

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

the end.

salam, at last, alhamdulillah, i may not done excellently on my UPS but "bismillahhitawakkal tu a'lallah" "robbi ya ssir wa la tu assir" may allah make it ease for me, no matter what the result be, i will just take it as the first and foremost lesson.. today, i am home.

truly i am telling you,when i was at MJSC kuantan, being home was the bestest moment ever, but then, my heart more to "i don't wanna leave this place where i started to fall in love" the peoples around, lecturers, and.. food (i guess). and also being home also..

are we really gonna separate?truly i am not into this. i love all the class members. if so, the most person i'm gonna miss freaking soo muchh.. wan (coz her gossip??? hahaha shazli too), then sis yana (slalu je nk kenekn die) sakilah ( the SMKA student) and lain2 gak,
and so all.. hopefully not. i always pray to Allah till the day that comes soon.

p/s i am lazy right now. Zzzz...

Thursday, 8 July 2010

stress your brain!

salam, and i can't be said that i am happy now,
 KMM is put the great pressure on me now. the
PS is coming soon! plus things i have not done yet.
simple thing but hard to make it. STUDY!. hate to
do that but it is just the most fun thing to be done
 as you really understand what you are learn. and
when your r just not be a sleepy bear in lecturer.
 i can't hit the keyboard any further.
p/s now gonna hit the pencil and study lolz:))

Monday, 28 June 2010

kmm?? has been so long ma, missed my blog space damn soo much..oppss am i too harsh??no ryte???hmm..actually i have a loong story to share but as for now, KMM is better than any other place, but still cannot beat my cozy room, my pillow and what so ever k, ah yes, yet so long i have been left my greatest hobby ever..HITTING the keyboard and sleep like the panda.

ahh well, before i just decide wether to accept the KMM's offre or just take the DIPLOMA, so many rumours about the matriculation but as for me myself, you have to follow the stream do not make a cross on it. even you have to sacrifice your sleep time (its me actually), your money (i almost become the worst dreamer) when i am here, i just spend most of my money for FOOD! i hate food actually because i've gain such much and much weight when i was at MJSC Kuantan ( perghh, 10 kg k?). now, i don't wanna that flashback, ia wanna clear all my memory on it. enpugh by now, i wanna tell about thye MINGGU ORINTASI.

it's surely happening, thanks Allah Masania still there, but things that i cannot stop myself from believing what i have done. i am the MAMA for the show. still, now, few part of my mate called me "mama". ah well, its just a part of my KMM's life. i just have to endure with it.

lecture?? that is the part so far, u can even sleep in lecture but you'll face trouble when you are fail in your quizes or else your test... may allah always be there for me. protecting me, the most gracious of allah. and the most merciful.
p/s i never fall asleep during the lecture but always act like (yes..yes...never no)

the are really happening, started from the teacher itself and the mates. the chief and the assistant. they are very responsible. so i, as the class member feel great about this. somehow, i admitted that life at college is too social, i hate that part. again may allah blessed me. may i say that i am so sudden admired someone, my classmate, just the way he works and bla2, not that admires la..

k, till then, next time, i'll upload some candids..
and ILOVE KMM damn soo much <3

Monday, 3 May 2010

next path (:

oyit...olalala...sudah lame nyh ak ta update, malas dan macam-macam lah,
ok lah skunk nyh ak malas nak cakap apa-apa, sumenyer macam dh terpangpang dengan mate haku!

Tarikh : ta ingat...
Kenapa: ak dapat tawaran matrix and macam nak pergi and tanak g, so aku kne tunggu UPU nyer result en? tunggu punye la tunggu akhirnyer keluar. tape sebelum tueh, ak dah survey agak banyak la. boley g abroad atau tak? ok lah memang un kalo korunk nak tau. matrix nyh sangat-sangat risky tau. even kalau korunk dh capat 4 flat sekali pun, belum tentu korunk nyh bgs. nanty dekat U plak korunk akan dibandingkan dengan budak-budak STPM plak? yes. budak STPM mmg boley dikatekan mempunyai tahap pemikiran yg lebih baik dr budak2 matrikulasi atau budak2 yang terus amek diploma. sebabnyer, STPM nyh antara 5 exam yang tersusah di dunia. and diiktiraf di peringkat global, so kalau ada yang terpakse amek STPM tueh, jangan la rase rendah sangat diri tue. dalam satu program tv tempatan. aku penah dengar budak nie meluahkan perasaannyer lalu berkate

saya hanya dapat 2A je SPM. nak masuk U ta dapat. swasta pun susah. so. saya terpakse mohon masuk STPM. tapi kawan-kawan sy cakap kat sy, "STPM je?"

sabar je lah kalau ada kawan macam tue un kan? suppose kawan nih jadi tpt untuk kita berkongsi rase tapi kalau dah macam tu? no comment, ak pun ad juga kawan-kawan yang macam tue. tapi ak fikir semua tu ad hikmahnya kan?

oh ye pasal matrikulasi td kan? yang ni list utk university luar yang mengiktiraf matrikulasi kita :

Universiti Luar Negara Yang Mengiktiraf Lulusan Matrikulasi

Universiti di United Kingdom
University of Birmingham
University of Nottingham
University of Surrey
King’s College London
University of Manchester
University of Southampton
University of York

Universiti di Australia
University of Sydney
University of New South Wales

Universiti di New Zealand
University of Auckland
University of Wellington

Universiti di Indonesia
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Universitas Andalas
Universitas Airlanga
Universitas Gadjah Mada

konklusinya, kalau selepas tamat matrikulasi dengan jayanya, jika nak sambung luar negara, mmg boleh. cuma apa-apa pun mesti kene cemerlang.

ini saja yang nak dikongsikan untuk post kali ini.

pada 10 Mei ni, ak akan daftar ke matrikulasi Melaka. full stop. hidup baru akan bermula. matlamat aku PNGK 4.00 tak kurang. lebey buley..ada k???hahaha

salam <3

Friday, 16 April 2010

matriculation :I

what kind of feeling is it?
happy.sad. and unspeakable.
what is it??
best is.
or just many kuantan-ian got the same way too
bad is
i dunno
i am expected better.
hope i really can do better in future.
wow, so far.
not many of them really get into this.
i'm started -----
that is all.
bye2 :))

Saturday, 10 April 2010

untitled (part 1)

tak tahu apa yg nk dibuktikan o___o"
teacher rahayu <3
betul la kanak-kanak o__O''''
slps sukan..badan sihat otak cerdas..wah3 n_n
masih kanak-kanak (hate this!)
i am late! no..they are just earlier..hu3 :__:"
gembira melihat kalian :)
amin?? azhar??
i thought the left is me?? but not sure..:)
hottestt!! fuh3!!

girl:ana,farah,alyaa,eleen,siemah,bari,ieka,bieha,wani,ayuni,priya (A)/(F),chorm,visalini,shaz,mona,Pn ASMAH

p/s: semua ni ialah ihsan HILMI AZIZI :) tq
to be continued...

Thursday, 8 April 2010

past.present.future. (never no)

.i miss you dear.
.it has been about ( i dunno ).
.then, rather find something else to get over it.
.do enjoy(he said once).



.the three of them makes me belief there is such a great friendship like that.
.full of love.
.bucket of happiness.
.sorts of sacrifaction.
.gallon of tears (even).
.it is colourful friendship.
p/s and it doesnt a matter even if your buddy hates you, you still can the past together in present





.it is always a way out when something about to come.
.hatred is just nothing but a waste of your precious moment.
.the bond that shouldn't to be let it just be.
.harsh sacrifaction is just nothing.
.truth vs lie.
.me vs you.




.no matter how.



.all of them.
.stick together.
.just what is life.

.just life is.
.dont need to too ever it. (huh??!!)
.the status.