Alhamdulillah (0_0)

Thursday, 2 September 2010

hard feeling:(

i dunno, i might say that:
girl, i dunno if i might say this,
what r u tryn' to do?
please do cover and try to hide what u're feeling,
its called JIHAD!
i thought u knew.
am i getting jealousy?
oh Allah, do protect me,
the only what i do really seek from this journey
just YOUR only REDHA.
do strengthen this heart.
i may, but when this iman i have,
i wanna always flee away from this.

042.011 (He is) the Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by this means does He multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things).

[eyh, beware of ur friendship, knows the limits:DD]

keep on far! do be a strong women. not the one who just like that:)
May Allah blessed you, Farhana

*p/s i'm always being so much grateful for having such  great buddies whom can laugh and cry together. even we're diff by own thoughts, but we are one, thanks to all friend for being so much nice to me, even we do make up wif lots of fights, i do love you all, no exception. and the bestest for u guys, i'll never forget you in every pray.

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