Alhamdulillah (0_0)

Friday, 26 March 2010 till when pown..sme mnda yg brkaitan bio ttp susah...ase mc x ssanggup nk brdepan dengan makhluk BIO nieh...susah r nak hafal2..sme..ag2 kalo soklan brkait..atoyai..mcm ner nak msk U nieh??huh??dpt ka???huhuhu mcm klkar kan..smpai tertdo td sbb r smlam x tdo..pas2 study lps subuh till 11 mcm tue..baring2 jap...tapi tup..tup...Ya Rabbiii...pukul 2 lebey dah???org solat jumaat pown dh habis tau...tolong slh satu bukn sbb ngantox..yg lbey2 ialah..suhu kat blk yg mndadk sgt3...w'pon tilam ku panas, tp ehehe..masih enak..a2 tdo x da mimpi nyh..sdp owh...mcm kat mktab plak..tdo3 ptg..wah3...

reallyyy..damn great..mse2 di mktab dihabiskan ngan tdo..that's why gagal SPM..failkah???tak..tak.!!!
maybe i should just stop and start hbskn bio nyh kalo tv owh..intrnet still ade..fuh..fuh..
lalalalalala...cintaku pada bio..Cikgu Hanisah..!!! Cikgu Daud...!!!xp..nanty kat U dapat A..skunk x dapat xp..kalo ad rzeki..ble dh blnje sme ckgu...owh ye..ckgu Shahrizal(pandan Jaya) die yg bg amarn awal2...
sc stream bukan utk bkan SENANG! bukan main..just keadaan x izinkan..i thought boarding school just great..just if  never been MAKTAB KUANTAN la yang ajar sy jd lbey matang n lps skola i just have my self , i only depends on myself though and ALLAH as mty way of life..that the precious thing ever that i've been thought thete..thanx to all my sensei...(not not trying to hypocryte..just love those sensei whom teach me those subjects which the only i got A)...may Allah bless you, teachers...(MJSC KUANTAN, SMK PJ, SKTN, SRA JLN F, TADIKAN AMPANG, TADIKA AL-HIDAYAH)..

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