Afer the CNY, I would really glad to have more, this morning I am having the lempeng (pancake Melayu), with the sambal ikan bilis, really nice though, I have a thought that when it comes to the moments people treat me badly, it must be something really bad that I have done to them, in spite, I do not consider that when I treated them badly, means that they had done something bad to me.
Come to think of it, it is totally right.
Really is.
Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (2:216;Al-Baqarah)

Alhamdulillah (0_0)
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Friday, 21 January 2011
undecided :))
saya bahagia hari ini? Ya! Saya perlu sentiasa menyatakannya pada diri. Saya mengambil keputusan untuk hanya meluangkan masa selama tidak lebih 7 minit untuk post ini? (entahlah,) 7? Kenapa 7? Suka hatilah, inikan belog saya, sebenarnya, lebih kepada, saya memang suka no. 7 dan biru? ada kaitan ke? Mungkin kerana saya masih belum begitu stabil Ditambah lagi dengan saya akan pulang ke kolej tak lama lagi. Kerja yang langsung tak bergerak. Ahhh, selama ada alasan untuk balik kolej sebab, ermmm, tinggal sejarah je lah, huihhh..Tapi tak lama balik KL balik, nak jumpa Syafawni! wow! can't wait, Usha PJ jap, wndu, dah berapa tahun saya tinggalkannya. Mesti sebak nanti, (pastinya,)
Hurm, bila fikir-fikirkan balik, semuanya, (hampirlah,) dah berubah, orang, sikap, keadaan keliling, (Malaysia dah maju!) kan??? hehehehe, Nama-nama orang dalam phone, Silih berganti, tapi tak bertambah, (sebab slalu lost ) Tapi ada yang kekal selama bertahun walaupun jauh di mata. (Dah mula dah,) Noktah.
Saya rindu zaman kanak-kanak yang sebenarnya, matang. Saya tak consider diri saya sebagai kanak-kanak (masa itu,) Tapi, entah kenapa, Allah yang menentukan sesuatu, Kemudian, ia jadi sangat sempurna. Subhanallah. Tak faham? Saya juga,
Saya fikir saya nak mandi after this, Untuk yang kedua, KL panas! Tapi still tidur dalam bilik sejuk, So spe percaya? Orang Malaysia tidur pakai sweater! Sayalah, Mungkin bukan sebab cuaca, tapi.... Noktah.
Hari ini, selepas ini, saya nak belajar Organic dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Nak Matematik. Dan Fizik. Dan English kejap (Assigment)..Huhuhuhuhu, Takkan sempat! Tapi saya yakin saya boleh, (sudah melebihi 7) . Tidak mengapalah. Baiklah saya beredar dahulu.
p/s bilamana saya cakap, saya ingin mengulangi waktu itu, saya benar-benar maksudkannya. Tapi saya redha. Saya takkan menyebit tentangnya lagi. Kelak, Allah sahaja yang tahu.
Hurm, bila fikir-fikirkan balik, semuanya, (hampirlah,) dah berubah, orang, sikap, keadaan keliling, (Malaysia dah maju!) kan??? hehehehe, Nama-nama orang dalam phone, Silih berganti, tapi tak bertambah, (sebab slalu lost ) Tapi ada yang kekal selama bertahun walaupun jauh di mata. (Dah mula dah,) Noktah.
Saya rindu zaman kanak-kanak yang sebenarnya, matang. Saya tak consider diri saya sebagai kanak-kanak (masa itu,) Tapi, entah kenapa, Allah yang menentukan sesuatu, Kemudian, ia jadi sangat sempurna. Subhanallah. Tak faham? Saya juga,
Saya sayang awak <3
Saya fikir saya nak mandi after this, Untuk yang kedua, KL panas! Tapi still tidur dalam bilik sejuk, So spe percaya? Orang Malaysia tidur pakai sweater! Sayalah, Mungkin bukan sebab cuaca, tapi.... Noktah.
Hari ini, selepas ini, saya nak belajar Organic dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Nak Matematik. Dan Fizik. Dan English kejap (Assigment)..Huhuhuhuhu, Takkan sempat! Tapi saya yakin saya boleh, (sudah melebihi 7) . Tidak mengapalah. Baiklah saya beredar dahulu.
p/s bilamana saya cakap, saya ingin mengulangi waktu itu, saya benar-benar maksudkannya. Tapi saya redha. Saya takkan menyebit tentangnya lagi. Kelak, Allah sahaja yang tahu.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
diri tidak....diri mahu...
diri tak berani meminta kerana tahu kurangnya,
diri tak mampu berdiri kerana tiada pelindung
diri tak pandai berkata kerana takut terluka
diri tak pandai akan kebenaran kerana takut kecewa
diri kini
mampu bangkit kerana diri sedar
"seseungguhnya, solatku, ibadahku,hidupku,dan matiku hanya untuk Allah"
Syukran, Allah, diri semakin kuat.
Izinkan diri menikmati hidup sebelum Kau datang menjemput
Izinkan diri bangkit menyatakn hak
Izinkan diri bangkit
Izinkan diri untuk bermadah pujangga untuk...
Izinkan diri menyatakan kebenaran
diri tidak sesal kemudian.
Andai aku diberi peluang kembali, aku akan perbetulakan. tapi kata-kata yang selalu aku ingati.
"Allah tidak pernah menjadikan sesuatu tanpa sebab, hatta tahi lembu sekalipun akhirnya kelihatan akan kegunaannya"
Allah, doronglah aku untuk kembali. Doronglah aku untuk ikhlas. Allah, anugerahkan aku yang lebih baik.
Kebenaran itu pahit, tapi manisnya bila kita mampu berfikiran waras. Aku rindu saat itu. Saat aku melambai dari atas.kini, aku melmbaik entah dari man, kepada siapa pun.
Semoga Allah merahmatimu, Nur Farhana Mohd Azman
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
the sunrise didn't promise the mood =_=''
hah, this gonna be the third? Who cares after all? Neither me nor you ? (is there) it is not a crime by the way, Is it weirdo if some get to sleep almost by 3.40 am, then wake up by 5 already, yeah, once when it was about 4 years ago, but today is about today, keep out fighting for what is ahead, gambatte, yeah, I am strong enough by any , ( do wish me so), heard some says, Yeah, I will, ( happily to hear), no one ever thought how am I gonna through all this, come on, plus, this is just a part of life, oh, mama now is watching Prima Tv (i guess)
hah, this gonna be the third? Who cares after all? Neither me nor you ? (is there) it is not a crime by the way, Is it weirdo if some get to sleep almost by 3.40 am, then wake up by 5 already, yeah, once when it was about 4 years ago, but today is about today, keep out fighting for what is ahead, gambatte, yeah, I am strong enough by any , ( do wish me so), heard some says, Yeah, I will, ( happily to hear), no one ever thought how am I gonna through all this, come on, plus, this is just a part of life, oh, mama now is watching Prima Tv (i guess)
Kami ucapkan kepadaNya,
Kalimah suci,
Membesarkan, Keagungan Illahi semuga,
..... (ta ingat plak)
Alzheimer lah, huhuhu (tolong!) jangan, ssh nak hafal Organic Chemistry nanty, huhuhu,
New spirit Far, today, gonna out with Atiq, nak lari lari Ampang for awhile, :)))
best friend ever:)
it is going to be the second post for today, I'm glad, and happy . Thanks Allah for this gift.
A friend like you.
Muhd Sharif Abd Rahim :)
I owe you the past,
time machine, please!
i'm so touched by those words,
may I have Doraemon or time machine?
no? ain't it?
shivering right now, but actually
I still miss you:)
may I have Doraemon or time machine?
no? ain't it?
shivering right now, but actually
I still miss you:)
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
blue flame:(
こんばんは (good evening)
This evening started to be something really wonderful, (do raise your head if) are you being happy and so delighted when you have a chance even for a while to have a chat with "friend"? as for me, do. Really mean this. Without any hesitation. I miss this friend a lot though, I thanked to this "friend" for being a really friend indeed from I am in Form 2 up till I have any problems come out. Sometimes this "friend" makes me freaked out on something, and for some other time this person just like a brother to me. (It makes me missed my brother a lot). And late this evening, "friend" buzzed me again, and told me about another friend that I have considered as fire? The blue one, that can burn really fast and supererogatory hot.
But after a few moment, I am happy. Thank you, "FRIEND"
This evening started to be something really wonderful, (do raise your head if) are you being happy and so delighted when you have a chance even for a while to have a chat with "friend"? as for me, do. Really mean this. Without any hesitation. I miss this friend a lot though, I thanked to this "friend" for being a really friend indeed from I am in Form 2 up till I have any problems come out. Sometimes this "friend" makes me freaked out on something, and for some other time this person just like a brother to me. (It makes me missed my brother a lot). And late this evening, "friend" buzzed me again, and told me about another friend that I have considered as fire? The blue one, that can burn really fast and supererogatory hot.
But after a few moment, I am happy. Thank you, "FRIEND"
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
fate or coincidence??
salam, and salam
na'ah, every time i am started to write something on blog, then I am already get to use with it. It is just a part of leisure sometimes (most of the time), Lets just get back to the topic, was it all around fate or just coincidence?
As for me it is all about fate, what is already written by God.
Just this morning before I enter the examination hall for Mathematics paper, (which like ****) a friend of mine, Kila I used to call her (nama manje=_=) hehehe, she told me,
That is it,'
tomorrow is gonna be great, HOME!!!!
na'ah, every time i am started to write something on blog, then I am already get to use with it. It is just a part of leisure sometimes (most of the time), Lets just get back to the topic, was it all around fate or just coincidence?
As for me it is all about fate, what is already written by God.
Just this morning before I enter the examination hall for Mathematics paper, (which like ****) a friend of mine, Kila I used to call her (nama manje=_=) hehehe, she told me,
far, you know a story for T?hahaha, it is just the same situation when I was in maktab, with my dear Azira, we have always face that, but me as a Muslim and her too, we completely understand about how is it the fate happened and part of each other sustenance, do really got that in each other mind, but then all I can say to Kila, just fate, then she told me,
Do they really understand that , Far?
Spinning my head around, not sure about that,That is how, just another example, if your strength in fate that already Allah written for you is there, it will be a JUST for you, if not, you might need something like this,
想哭 可已忘了如何流泪If yes, you have to motivate yourself a bit, then it is okay. But as a human being, sometimes we are really weak and need shoulder to cry on, and the other time you are just be very strong, So that is all, I hope I am also can as strong enough to push all the burden away, better if I can get through nicely and smoothly,
That is it,'
tomorrow is gonna be great, HOME!!!!
Sunday, 9 January 2011
fashion these days=_="
salam and very fine and great evening,
Just about few hours (can say this) I havecome back and stay still on my softy bed (arhhh, i'm gonna miss this few months later), I have a thought of few things, the examination (on Monday onwards), people aroud and then thought of going to have sweet dream (hoi! exam lah), okay... that part of having sweet dream just at night la, no matter what, I have to finish my revision session first, really tired lorh, (opps, I am getting to use the Chinesse one!)
About my second thought, I have more considered on the fashion style, okay children where are we now? ( They says: KMM) and the scored well. Yeah , specifically, a place you used to seek for knowledge, not a place called for party? social life to be done? both re totally wrong! What is I am going to share about is thefashion style (again and again) and sadly to say, amongst of all, is Malay. As Malay one, we have our own culture and limits, we do not have to copy and paste what other making around. it will be just a waste.
On part of my sight, Malay people (girls) tends to wear the "tight" shirt, hardly for me to breath in, (if I am the one) but for those?? It would be something really hard to say. What about the other races here? Even I can say that they also have their own religion and understanding style, but they are "failed" to fight with Malays, why? because, they can be considered as those who are lack of fashion style. That is soooo wrong, You win guys, shame for the Malay and "MUSLIM". They split their own saliva! come to think of it. It is a place to study not to fashion around,
So, what is I am about to tell is, there is no use. Just keep your mind widen and thoyght about it again and again. plese be someone more mature. You are not 10 anymore. even a child can think wisely. Do not do something base on your desire ! What we call just the Satisfaction that harm your own self.
It is just for own opinion, not specifically onward someone, but as you realized about this very important issue on how adolscent these day acts, come out to something.
"First impression is important"
*Do not ruined it for something dummy and shamefull
p/s tomorrow is gonna be freaking out, May Allah always show me only for The Best not just for now but Insya-Allah for hereafter,
Salam a'alyk:))
Just about few hours (can say this) I havecome back and stay still on my softy bed (arhhh, i'm gonna miss this few months later), I have a thought of few things, the examination (on Monday onwards), people aroud and then thought of going to have sweet dream (hoi! exam lah), okay... that part of having sweet dream just at night la, no matter what, I have to finish my revision session first, really tired lorh, (opps, I am getting to use the Chinesse one!)
About my second thought, I have more considered on the fashion style, okay children where are we now? ( They says: KMM) and the scored well. Yeah , specifically, a place you used to seek for knowledge, not a place called for party? social life to be done? both re totally wrong! What is I am going to share about is thefashion style (again and again) and sadly to say, amongst of all, is Malay. As Malay one, we have our own culture and limits, we do not have to copy and paste what other making around. it will be just a waste.
On part of my sight, Malay people (girls) tends to wear the "tight" shirt, hardly for me to breath in, (if I am the one) but for those?? It would be something really hard to say. What about the other races here? Even I can say that they also have their own religion and understanding style, but they are "failed" to fight with Malays, why? because, they can be considered as those who are lack of fashion style. That is soooo wrong, You win guys, shame for the Malay and "MUSLIM". They split their own saliva! come to think of it. It is a place to study not to fashion around,
So, what is I am about to tell is, there is no use. Just keep your mind widen and thoyght about it again and again. plese be someone more mature. You are not 10 anymore. even a child can think wisely. Do not do something base on your desire ! What we call just the Satisfaction that harm your own self.
"First impression is important"
*Do not ruined it for something dummy and shamefull
p/s tomorrow is gonna be freaking out, May Allah always show me only for The Best not just for now but Insya-Allah for hereafter,
Salam a'alyk:))
Saturday, 8 January 2011
the spirit of being a better person:)
hrmmm..(sigh), today is ah..already Saturday and the day after tomorrow is going to be the UPS. it is great I guessed. but then, come to think of it, yet i am not ready for it. I wondered first about the class, more to the hall part actually.. It does not a big deal though. Wow, well can I say that I am quite glad that I have finished my Physic for chapter 1 till 3 (should have until 4). oh yes! I am realized that I about to use the proper English. is it bother me much? YES, oh, just, by the time I should study for more about chapter 3, I applied for the one hour pass (from MAXIS), opss promoting! It was failed! But still with my arrogance, and stubborn, I still end up to surfed the internet. I read someone's blog, it just used to be a 'mate' of mine for quite a short period of time. He wrote that, (He is an intelligence guy) if he is an intelligence guy, if there is someone more intelligence than him, it could be that person is someone that worked harder and harder. I am amused. Kind of quite hard to believe he do wrote that kind of statement. Well, I have another friend that is categorized as someone that (kedekut ilmu) Such a person. But the person that i have story about is someone that I have been looking up for just a while. He is really something. Wow! now I realized that is already too many alphabet, hahaha, doesn't matter. No matter what happen, right now, I really need to stick my mind especially on the exam. UPS is about to greet me warmly. But right this habit of being procrastination is no good , I have to be better and keep work hard. and even harder from day afterwards. okay, till then, hope it is going to better for even myself. :))
hrmmm..(sigh), today is ah..already Saturday and the day after tomorrow is going to be the UPS. it is great I guessed. but then, come to think of it, yet i am not ready for it. I wondered first about the class, more to the hall part actually.. It does not a big deal though. Wow, well can I say that I am quite glad that I have finished my Physic for chapter 1 till 3 (should have until 4). oh yes! I am realized that I about to use the proper English. is it bother me much? YES, oh, just, by the time I should study for more about chapter 3, I applied for the one hour pass (from MAXIS), opss promoting! It was failed! But still with my arrogance, and stubborn, I still end up to surfed the internet. I read someone's blog, it just used to be a 'mate' of mine for quite a short period of time. He wrote that, (He is an intelligence guy) if he is an intelligence guy, if there is someone more intelligence than him, it could be that person is someone that worked harder and harder. I am amused. Kind of quite hard to believe he do wrote that kind of statement. Well, I have another friend that is categorized as someone that (kedekut ilmu) Such a person. But the person that i have story about is someone that I have been looking up for just a while. He is really something. Wow! now I realized that is already too many alphabet, hahaha, doesn't matter. No matter what happen, right now, I really need to stick my mind especially on the exam. UPS is about to greet me warmly. But right this habit of being procrastination is no good , I have to be better and keep work hard. and even harder from day afterwards. okay, till then, hope it is going to better for even myself. :))
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
the way i am:(
aku rasa sangat2 lah, annoyed pada semua benda mungkin, though back about what is going on,
aku just hated much about most things around, why can't just be the way it used to be, don't make
it just like what ur heart want to, really truly amazingly ANNOYING, so what?? i loved much the
situation , the mood of study, the of err.. ahhh... alright, HE is gonna make IT great, so would i,
then after this, i'm gonna grab my stationary and all the mood from HIM as well, (even thought that HE is not study) nevermind, i will, the UPS is really just aroung the tic toc, so fasten everything,
"barangsiapa yang mencari redha allah atas kemarahan manusia nescaya allah cukupkan baginya, dan barangsiapa mencari redha manusia atas murkanya Allah, nescaya allah akan sempitkan baginya"
(just now i really figured it out, Alhamdulillah:))
aku rasa sangat2 lah, annoyed pada semua benda mungkin, though back about what is going on,
aku just hated much about most things around, why can't just be the way it used to be, don't make
it just like what ur heart want to, really truly amazingly ANNOYING, so what?? i loved much the
situation , the mood of study, the of err.. ahhh... alright, HE is gonna make IT great, so would i,
then after this, i'm gonna grab my stationary and all the mood from HIM as well, (even thought that HE is not study) nevermind, i will, the UPS is really just aroung the tic toc, so fasten everything,
"barangsiapa yang mencari redha allah atas kemarahan manusia nescaya allah cukupkan baginya, dan barangsiapa mencari redha manusia atas murkanya Allah, nescaya allah akan sempitkan baginya"
(just now i really figured it out, Alhamdulillah:))
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