Alhamdulillah (0_0)

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

the way i am:(

aku rasa sangat2 lah, annoyed pada semua benda mungkin, though back about what is going on,
aku just hated much about most things around, why can't just be the way it used to be, don't make
it just like what ur heart want to, really truly amazingly ANNOYING, so what?? i loved much the
situation , the mood of study, the of err.. ahhh... alright, HE is gonna make IT great, so would i,
then after this, i'm gonna grab my stationary and all the mood from HIM as well, (even thought that HE is not study) nevermind, i will, the UPS is really just aroung the tic toc, so fasten everything,

"barangsiapa yang mencari redha allah atas kemarahan manusia nescaya allah cukupkan baginya, dan barangsiapa mencari redha manusia atas murkanya Allah, nescaya allah akan sempitkan baginya"
(just now i really figured it out, Alhamdulillah:))

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