Salam. This is the anniversary. Hoyyeah..
Sudag aku bilang. Aku punya ego. Hanya yang mengerti sahaja akan mengerti dan faham akan kata-kata aku. Mungkin hanya pada masa, tempat dan individu yang sebenar sahaja yang mampu menjatuhkan ego saya. Saya sedar ego itu membawa malang saja. Tapi apakan dayanya.
Mama :) IMY. Rasa nak balik rumah sekarang. Kalau tak kerana final. I tink i back home edy.
Miss my family :)
Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not. (2:216;Al-Baqarah)

Alhamdulillah (0_0)
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Probelem is my bestest friend?
"Kau yang pilih jalan tu
n kau kene pandai handle masalah tu"
"Kau yang pilih jalan tu
n kau kene pandai handle masalah tu"
Dah betul sangat dah tu, Farhana Azman.
Kan aku yang cari pasal. Itulah orang kata, buat tak pakai otak? Betul k? Bukan, tapi tak matang dalam membuat keputusan. Apa-apa pun, aku akan buat macam biasa sahaja. Mungkin aku saja yang terlalu memikirkan. Ohh,, well,, hanya mereka yang terhampir sahaja yang memahami keadaan diri ku ini. Alhamdulillah bila ada orang yang sanggup mendengar. Alahamdulillah. Sungguh, Allah itu Maha Pemurah lagi Maha penyayang, di saat aku memerlukan teman di sini, tatkala jauh dari keluarga, aku punya kamu, sahabat. Yang sanggup luangkan masa bersama ku. Sekurang-kurangnya mendengar apa-apa yang ingin aku bicarakan. Bukan bila aku nak berkongsi, time tu la tengah taip mesej kau. Nvm, maybe u text ur mom?or dad? or ur FUTURE husband? Really. I am the positive thinker. Sort of lying!
Thx kepada mereka yang sangat sudi mendengar. Semoga Allah gantikan masa kalian dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik. InsyaAllah. Allah Maha Pemurah. Kalian. Terlalu thx. Before tiz, I always lost on track when I need someone to tell even a tale, but now. Alhamdulillah.
Dedicated to:panties,adah,azira.
Sayang kalian kerana Allah. Semoga apa-apa yang kalian lakukan mendapat keberkatan illahi :)
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Bila dua orang mengatakan benda yang sama, saya akan mengambil jalan tengah iaitu
"Hanya mendengar, bukan mempercayai."
You guys really unbelievable.
Seems nice doesn't mean you are nice.
Seems bad doesn't mean it.
Really I choose not to believe people again.
And study other culture really helps me through my day.
Allah knew what's best for me.
Bakti siswa.
First of all other important news. Alhamdulillah for being alive and strive for these 3 days. But I tell you, it is really fun. Plus, most of them is my coursemate. So no doubt about it. But how can my name stucked wif second year student of same course. Allah knew what is best for me. Seriously based on name list, I should be wif my "gila" buddy. Soo sad. So of all, really great. I have nothing more to share. But that doesn't mean that I din enjoy the event. So I compiled the image(s):
Pak cik bas sesat!
Air kotak yg diminum sepanjang perjalanan pergi. My fav :)
My bag! Only one.
Yaya :'))
Kesesatan yang nyata
Main jom~~
Syafiq n crazy Yaya
We are!!
Jadi fasii kanak-kanak.
Wif my family angkat.
p/s:my earphone n mp3 hilang. same goes to my lip ice.. and other stuff also.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand Hold it tight
I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
For one so small,
you seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always
Why can't they understand
the way we feel
They just don't trust
what they can't explain
I know we're different but,
deep inside us
We're not that different at all
And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other,
to have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know
When destiny calls you
You must be strong
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on,
Now and forever more
Oh, you'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be in my heart, always
It will be all right
Just take my hand Hold it tight
I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
For one so small,
you seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always
Why can't they understand
the way we feel
They just don't trust
what they can't explain
I know we're different but,
deep inside us
We're not that different at all
And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other,
to have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know
When destiny calls you
You must be strong
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on,
Now and forever more
Oh, you'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be in my heart, always
My Fav:)
"Big Girls Don't Cry"
Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay
Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
'Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity
La Da Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity
I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay
Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
'Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity
La Da Da Da Da Da
Sunday, 4 December 2011
They are...
Hari ini. Saya tiada mood untuk mengarang dalam bahasa asing. Tetapi. entah. Who knows babe.
Here at UniMAP, I have one crazy friend. She is very gila2 one. Weiyhhh, Far, sedar tak English kau actually become broken alreday. Yeah. All this sbb Chau Woon Kit. Hahaha, nothing dear. Sorry. No matter what you are, you are still the best of you. I love you the way you are.
Hari ini. Saya tiada mood untuk mengarang dalam bahasa asing. Tetapi. entah. Who knows babe.
Here at UniMAP, I have one crazy friend. She is very gila2 one. Weiyhhh, Far, sedar tak English kau actually become broken alreday. Yeah. All this sbb Chau Woon Kit. Hahaha, nothing dear. Sorry. No matter what you are, you are still the best of you. I love you the way you are.
Yang tengah mengeliat, dia la tu~~
ohh,, ini Fatin coursemate saya.
She is YAYA
I like this one
Actually, I just get along with my sayang one. We have some fight about something stupid. But yeah, very big deal actually. I am really sorry. Tapi my Kit say, he din like me always say sorry to everyone. And at time I say sorry to him. He says that I am not truly sorry. So I learn that. Please show that when you are really determinates to do that. I am really sorry that I have dissapointed you. And now, we are even better than before. And I am still guilty towards you, sayang. Really sorry.
We never know what tomorrow holds,
but don't be afraid or doubt anything-
because the one who took care of you today,
holds your tomorrow as well!
but don't be afraid or doubt anything-
because the one who took care of you today,
holds your tomorrow as well!
We are complicated.
And I hope one day you are really different from what you are now.
I wish I dont have to lose you.
But future have better plan for us.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Thursday, at 1.23p.m
In bus heding to Wang Ulu;
"Tak pergi library hari ni, Far?"
"Tak, sebenarnya semalam aku nak ke Jabatan Audit, tapi tak jadi, so naik library ngan Yaya."
This is the third time ever in life that the similar thing has happened to me. If I have to, because of friendship, rather than destroy it. I back off. And...
Sing along;
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Monday, 14 November 2011
Salam,and happy great morning:)
Allah I am being too grateful that YOU give such a big gift
they may seem, selfish but they may not
they may being, arrogant but am I not?
they may stingy, but am I that generous?
they may ignored me some other time, but am I always listened every words they spill?
they may been so busy but am that free for them?
they may hide some other things, but am I too honest?
they may hurt me soo much, but am I really care about their feelings?
they may too fussy, but am I always been open about them?
no matter how bad me and he/she?
I am too grateful to have you guys to go through these stream of life that never been so easy as ABC
and as hard as NUMBERS :p
Thx guys,
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
.....There is no wrong for being where I stand here today,
There is no wrong for standing where YOU are are today,
But I do admit, I hate the path I've chosen years back.
But somehow:
Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.
There is no wrong for standing where YOU are are today,
But I do admit, I hate the path I've chosen years back.
But somehow:
I believe there is something for me. I have fun for being here. I have friends whom trusted me. I have lecturers whom help me out a lot. I have my family a 558 km away from here.
most and foremost. I have Allah whom NEAR by no distance from me.
I am no regret of the path I've taken today. If I disappointed, I have no time to move forward.
Like my friend used to say;
"Those whom come out first from the hall ain't genius. And those whom being the last one to pass the paper ain't that dummy. They are both the same."
p/s Some how, I turned out to be the first Malay during Math test because we wanna pee. That is it. Not because we can answered very well.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Assalamualaikum everyone:)
Have a nice weekend.
Today I would like to post a bout something that we used to called it human-hood. Baiklah, PERSAUDARAAN or else Ukhuwah.
Since that last week. I mean the whole of last week which also last until 7 days, at last my dear and dear friend get along together as they used to be. Friends used to fight, hard feeling among each other. That one normal. But ain't it abnormal for 7 days? Guys sorry to say this. But I believe that you both know I am tired of the drama. For me ego has become the barrier. The big one. But love you both because at last back the way you both used to be.
Namun, tolonglah, kepada teman-teman yang lain. Janganlah begini. I am myself have experienced something like this. And I hate the past. Sadly, we cannot turn those moment back to normal again. Too sad:'(
Ukhuwah. Well, hari ini mari cakap tentang ini. Akutertarik kejap dengan benda ni since that aku dekat wajib begini. Oh well, wherever I'll be of course. But this time is different. How we would wanna tie this with those non-Muslim(s)? Wellthere is the way. Islam has made the guideline for us as the followers. And eventhough, we have to respect their belief.
Have a nice weekend.
Today I would like to post a bout something that we used to called it human-hood. Baiklah, PERSAUDARAAN or else Ukhuwah.
Since that last week. I mean the whole of last week which also last until 7 days, at last my dear and dear friend get along together as they used to be. Friends used to fight, hard feeling among each other. That one normal. But ain't it abnormal for 7 days? Guys sorry to say this. But I believe that you both know I am tired of the drama. For me ego has become the barrier. The big one. But love you both because at last back the way you both used to be.
Namun, tolonglah, kepada teman-teman yang lain. Janganlah begini. I am myself have experienced something like this. And I hate the past. Sadly, we cannot turn those moment back to normal again. Too sad:'(
Ukhuwah. Well, hari ini mari cakap tentang ini. Akutertarik kejap dengan benda ni since that aku dekat wajib begini. Oh well, wherever I'll be of course. But this time is different. How we would wanna tie this with those non-Muslim(s)? Wellthere is the way. Islam has made the guideline for us as the followers. And eventhough, we have to respect their belief.
“Dan janganlah kamu caci benda yang mereka sembah selain dari Allah, kerana mereka kelak akan mencaci Allah secara melampaui batas tanpa pengetahuan. Demikianlah Kami memperelokkan pada pandangan tiap-tiap umat akan amal perbuatan mereka, kemudian kepada Tuhan merekalah tempat kembali mereka, lalu Ia menerangkan kepada mereka apa yang mereka telah lakukan.”
(Al-an'aam ;108)
Like certain people yang suka sangat nak mengutuk agama orang lain. For me, no need la, live peacefully ok already ma. And one more thing that even if we don't like no need to show. Just winky winky. bahahaha.
Plus, at my position right now, we are at university. It is really not the right place to have some debate style . We do have to consider about the others. Respect their belief, religion. Also be fair to them. Well, as long as nothing seriously cause ok?
Like what has been quote in Quran;
There is nothing wrong to treat people well. I admit I'm kind of person who love to trick people but sometime there is also a limit (Do not do it). Even you know that it is your responsibility to hide other's aib. No need to share with people. Hereafter, Allah protects you. Insya-Allah.
May Allah leads us to the right path:)
Like what has been quote in Quran;
Hugging? There's the limit:0
“Allah tidak melarang kamu daripada berbuat baik dan berlaku adil kepada orang-orang yang tidak memerangi kamu kerana agamamu, dan tidak mengeluarkan kamu dari kampung halaman kamu; sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang yang berlaku adil. Sesungguhnya Allah hanyalah melarang kamu daripada menjadikan teman rapat orang-orang yang memerangi kamu kerana agama (kamu), dan mengeluarkan kamu dari kampung halamanmu, serta mereka membantu (orang lain) untuk mengusir kamu. Dan (ingatlah) sesiapa yang menjadikan mereka teman rapat, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim”.
Islam really is perfect for life. Even it has provide us the guideline how to intermingle with people around. How you should care about others. Respect their thoughts. Even when you are about to give free advices, there is the guideline. Do not rush into it. Praise them first. Ease them. Win their heart.
There is nothing wrong to treat people well. I admit I'm kind of person who love to trick people but sometime there is also a limit (Do not do it). Even you know that it is your responsibility to hide other's aib. No need to share with people. Hereafter, Allah protects you. Insya-Allah.
May Allah leads us to the right path:)
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
I don't want to feel jealous about anything of my friend;
I don't want to hold on hope;
I hate disappointment;
I am here for what I wanted be;
I don't want to lose any of you like what I did in past;
I believe Allah sent me each of you with different kind of matter with some kind of reasons;
I'll accept for who you are;
Don't anything that might hurts me;
"Ohh Allah, do granted me with calm and peace. I don't need all the negative feeling unless it is benefit for me and for my hereafter life. The most graceful and most gracious. Show me the way out of this terrible feeling I've been through"
Daily Note 2 (UniMAP)
Well, I am very great in condition because there is a class that should be ended by 12 noon but last only for 2 hours from 8 am. How wonderful it is, right? But the most and foremost important thing happened. And I wish I don't have to feel that kind of feeling towards a friend. Well, XXX I still consider you as a friend even if you are not so. What I am feeling right now is want to make a punch ! Duuuiiishhh!!! Just one actually.
I am not sure if that person by XXX is not ease at me. But please! Am no disturbing your life why would you. At first, even if I have a bad first impression about that person but I try to ignore but suddenly the thought flying back to my head. It is getting bigger and even bigger.
Well, I always remember what my mom used to say;
"Do not hate people because the are bad. Hate the attitude and do not duplicate it inside yours."
Even I am hurt. Positively thinking!
I love all my friends. Hard feeling no more! I hate when I have to hate people.
"Oh Allah do make me feel at ease back. He didn't make any wrong. Maybe it is true I am the one whom done wrong. Oh Allah the most Mercifu and The Forvigen.Ameen."
So next class at 4pm. In progress for my tutorial:)
Well, I am very great in condition because there is a class that should be ended by 12 noon but last only for 2 hours from 8 am. How wonderful it is, right? But the most and foremost important thing happened. And I wish I don't have to feel that kind of feeling towards a friend. Well, XXX I still consider you as a friend even if you are not so. What I am feeling right now is want to make a punch ! Duuuiiishhh!!! Just one actually.
I am not sure if that person by XXX is not ease at me. But please! Am no disturbing your life why would you. At first, even if I have a bad first impression about that person but I try to ignore but suddenly the thought flying back to my head. It is getting bigger and even bigger.
Well, I always remember what my mom used to say;
"Do not hate people because the are bad. Hate the attitude and do not duplicate it inside yours."
Even I am hurt. Positively thinking!
I love all my friends. Hard feeling no more! I hate when I have to hate people.
"Oh Allah do make me feel at ease back. He didn't make any wrong. Maybe it is true I am the one whom done wrong. Oh Allah the most Mercifu and The Forvigen.Ameen."
So next class at 4pm. In progress for my tutorial:)
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Currently UniMAP
Left side; Kak Intan. Her character just like a sister that I dream for whole life long. Well, suka bebel sikit tapi quite okay.
Left side; Her name actually Solehah Ainul but I rather called her by Saffura Alias. People kept asking why and I just answered "For fun!"
Foremost left side: She used to be my ex-maktab mate but thing is, I never talk to her in past. And now here she is as my roomy.
Well all of us before something that is called "SUKSIS" separate us. LOL. No actually all of us involved. Except now the right one, Shida she's enemy! Lolz.
My beloved housemate whom love to 'berangan'. We called her "the ghost of mirror". Serve her right though.
The end of happy life. Dead!
Saturday, 15 October 2011
well well well, I am freaking tired. But still can survive de. Oh,, please I need someone untuk gaduh2. Thnx and credits to her cause make me sick gila lah kan. But still it made me at ease for a long period of time.
Well, I am still on right path. Never regret of what I've been choose for life but hoping that procrastinating is ended soon. Assignments punyalah banyak nak mati boley la pulak kan nak procrastinating all the time. Kata nak scholar, tapi gamaknya macam tak nak kan?
Alright, Insya-Allah tonight de. Wish for myself. Better pray. Oh well. I'm still haven't touch my PTPTN loan. Scary oh.
And one more FAR! Next time when someone ask you to teach him/her, please teach them properly. It always ended up with they teach you back! How shame you are to yourself. Well, nak mandi!
C ya!
well well well, I am freaking tired. But still can survive de. Oh,, please I need someone untuk gaduh2. Thnx and credits to her cause make me sick gila lah kan. But still it made me at ease for a long period of time.
Well, I am still on right path. Never regret of what I've been choose for life but hoping that procrastinating is ended soon. Assignments punyalah banyak nak mati boley la pulak kan nak procrastinating all the time. Kata nak scholar, tapi gamaknya macam tak nak kan?
Alright, Insya-Allah tonight de. Wish for myself. Better pray. Oh well. I'm still haven't touch my PTPTN loan. Scary oh.
And one more FAR! Next time when someone ask you to teach him/her, please teach them properly. It always ended up with they teach you back! How shame you are to yourself. Well, nak mandi!
C ya!
Friday, 14 October 2011
UniMap (Style gileeerrr!)
Ahaks, ain't it nice? To see other's chest? For me, it ain't that nice. Especially when what is shown to me is from my friend. This morning after long period of 4 hours lecture (especially ekt101 yang tak paham) seorang kawan yang lebih mesra dengan YAYA told me
"Far, xxx tak button up baju dia"
Oh my Allah, to make me feel ease for awhile can be considered but as I realized that he is a friend of mine, I wish I never have to watch such a show. It makes me felt even burdened deep inside.
Okaylah kan, orang akan cakap rezeki. Bagi aku rezeki memeang rezeki. Tapi kalau nampak kawan sendiri punya dada, ain't it macam dah lain. Okaylah, aku memang selalu sangat berpeluang nampak benda-benda ceng gini. Bored.
Bak kata certain manusia pula, kalau cantik best la, macam contoh badan dia putih melepak, orang tak berbulu macam Darwin.Hahahaha
Tapi aku tetap dengan pendirian aku kalau kawan aku, especially yang bertentangan jantina, I never wish to seek any other than what they wear. Nomatter berapa cantik atau berapa putih tahap keputihan dia. Hahaha, so guys next time tak payah susah susah lah nak pakai sexy sangat kan, espicially you all kan nak pergi kuliah, or tepat lagi belajar. (Rasa macam nak tegur je, tapi biasa lah, ingat kawan aku tu tak de feeling ka?:p)
Second case is orang yang pakai kasut tanpa stokin just nak cakap,
"Style mana eh?"
Ak tau kalau dalam drama2 korea yang sume orang dok gila nak mati tu memang ceng gitu, tapi kan, ain't it macam sakai. Especially ngan kaki seluar lipat sampai buku lali. Oh my....
Malas la nak mengkuman kan, aku pun bukan bagus sangat,
sakai je pakaian aku ke kelas but at least aku tak ke kelas ngan selipar jamban!
ha,,, macam ni lah,
Tapi kan, tapi kan, kalau korang perasan la, yang taste pesen g kelas ngan selipar (walaupun nampak mahal,) tetap selipar, ramainya kat Malaysia ni orang melayu je, mana ada (ya, tapi sikit sangat sampai nak buka jari un susah) budak cina, ke ibdia ke, kadazan ke, bajau ke, International (apatah lagi) yang pakai macam tu. Sungguh la macam dah teruk sangat or else. Bukan nak kutuk bangsa sendiri tapi semua ini hanya kerana aku sedikit malu ngan bangsa sendiri. Again aku pun bukan bagus sangat. Malas je. Always procrastinating.
"Korunk bgn lambat ke tadi?"
--> "mana ada, awal la, "
"Oh okayyy, awal sangat tu, mesti kau x perasan kau terpakai seliper kan?"
oklah, no hard feeling kayh?Just open thought:)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Selamat Hurry Lahir:)
More than 2 years back, each and every years I will cry on my birthday. Realize that I am closer to death day after day. Why do people happy celebrating their birthday? That is different perspective of individual live. I am proud of being myself. I hate when people wishing me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" but then one of my buddies said that they do not know that you do not like that. Please, at least appreciate them. And say Thank You:)
I will dear. I love friends who always giving advices to me even-though I always seems to condemn them. But deep inside I thanked to have you all. I'll think about it over and over again . Day after day. May I never forget those advices no matter who are the adviser. I'm glad to have you all as y dearest friend. Love you. Not to forget my family for always being there for me.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
I love sacrificing for something that I knew would worth it. But as for tonight. Really I just want to jump to my bed but sadly. I'm afraid that I could not mange to awake when the time come. A bit d*** la kan. So off and away from this softy chair.
Salam. Night .
Salam. Night .
Friday, 23 September 2011
Daily Note 1 (unimap)
Wuhuuu, I am very tired not tired actually just sleep for almost one hour from the noon. Waiting for maghrib prayer actually. Great. At last my puasa 6 will be end for this year. Just left the puasa ganti. Well only 4 meh. Not many right? Proud of being myself. But a usual, I will make it double. But do not know when am I gonna do those.
Right now I wondered why can "those" understand other than their mother tongue? Please be convenient. I speak Malay (national language), they do not understand. I speak English also making that blurring face. Then what? Both are the common language here. Do not expect me to speak Mandarin or Cantonese or Tamil right? Obviously I do not know how. I neither went for Chinese school nor Tamil school. The important of those two language seems very important. Otherwise the communication become nothing except "huh?", "do get what i'm saying?". Da~ I can be very open minded person but right now I admitted that I am hungry so a bit emotional. But once my Civic's teacher said, "Do not let your emotion controls yourself.". Exactly what I quote.
As just now also, I have chatting with old friend. A foreigner. It is not like I do not believe him. Just beware. Then slight fight. And get back to where we were at. Huh, life is not that as simple as ABC. It is as complicated as 123 and making the pseudo code (programming). I said complicated not hard. If and only if we can think very wisely then we can succeed. Can't wait to be one of those success people with strong faith in Allah and strong iman wherever I be.
Yeay also. Sir, please upload the tutorial and assignment very soon. Can't wait for those. Eager to feed more to my brain. And challenge it. The studies still running through my head. Still fresh.
*To myself, do not ever again felt very sleepy in lecture. Seriously madam gives the quiz. And thank to Allah (Alhamdulillah) still something that enter the head. Foremost that the questions given the part that I bout to give attention. Too grateful even not all the point are "printf" on the paper. So far so good. So far so smooth for my studies. May Allah make it more easier for me and the rest of my course-mates.
May Allah bless us.Amin.
p/s going to grab the towel.
Wuhuuu, I am very tired not tired actually just sleep for almost one hour from the noon. Waiting for maghrib prayer actually. Great. At last my puasa 6 will be end for this year. Just left the puasa ganti. Well only 4 meh. Not many right? Proud of being myself. But a usual, I will make it double. But do not know when am I gonna do those.
Right now I wondered why can "those" understand other than their mother tongue? Please be convenient. I speak Malay (national language), they do not understand. I speak English also making that blurring face. Then what? Both are the common language here. Do not expect me to speak Mandarin or Cantonese or Tamil right? Obviously I do not know how. I neither went for Chinese school nor Tamil school. The important of those two language seems very important. Otherwise the communication become nothing except "huh?", "do get what i'm saying?". Da~ I can be very open minded person but right now I admitted that I am hungry so a bit emotional. But once my Civic's teacher said, "Do not let your emotion controls yourself.". Exactly what I quote.
As just now also, I have chatting with old friend. A foreigner. It is not like I do not believe him. Just beware. Then slight fight. And get back to where we were at. Huh, life is not that as simple as ABC. It is as complicated as 123 and making the pseudo code (programming). I said complicated not hard. If and only if we can think very wisely then we can succeed. Can't wait to be one of those success people with strong faith in Allah and strong iman wherever I be.
Yeay also. Sir, please upload the tutorial and assignment very soon. Can't wait for those. Eager to feed more to my brain. And challenge it. The studies still running through my head. Still fresh.
*To myself, do not ever again felt very sleepy in lecture. Seriously madam gives the quiz. And thank to Allah (Alhamdulillah) still something that enter the head. Foremost that the questions given the part that I bout to give attention. Too grateful even not all the point are "printf" on the paper. So far so good. So far so smooth for my studies. May Allah make it more easier for me and the rest of my course-mates.
May Allah bless us.Amin.
p/s going to grab the towel.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
UniMAP (part2)
...though I am very proud to be one of thousand of UniMAP-ian. Something out of expectations always happened in life. Seriously I thought many unlogic things everytime and that almost never happen. As logically could happen also almost never happen. That is why I dare to say that my life is totally unexpected. I pray to Allah to give what is best for me. But at one point I almost want to hit myself through the wall and break it. But as I remembered what I've ask for. I sit and motivated by own self.
My class is great overall. Man, unexpectedly, few Chinese are there. ( I hate because I skipped class because of this PTPTN) I am very sure 'he' already there and studying. So I have to do the same thing too. Aftet this Asar prayer? Hahahaha, might be funny because I already plan, so it never happen once again. I am kind of person whom hates planing but be prepared. I, myself could not understand this. Do you? Oh Allah.
(This new room realllllly cozy, know? )
Felt like wanna jump to it. Still sad because could not go to class. Mama would be mad at me if she knew about this :'(
My class is great overall. Man, unexpectedly, few Chinese are there. ( I hate because I skipped class because of this PTPTN) I am very sure 'he' already there and studying. So I have to do the same thing too. Aftet this Asar prayer? Hahahaha, might be funny because I already plan, so it never happen once again. I am kind of person whom hates planing but be prepared. I, myself could not understand this. Do you? Oh Allah.
(This new room realllllly cozy, know? )
Felt like wanna jump to it. Still sad because could not go to class. Mama would be mad at me if she knew about this :'(
UniMAP (part1)
Here I go. Been in here PERLIS for about 2 weeks. Everything is going well. Well so am I. I am trying to be veeeeerrry saving punya person lah kan. You all pun. As long as you are not in school era anymore. You are either working or further studies kan? Am I right? So what else than being saving in every aspect of life. Or else your parent kayer rayer! Hahahaha That case pon, they still being saving.
Well, the orientation I have been too much brave to enter the ujibakat wat so ever kan. Then TERjoin geng of BORIA! I hate it freaking much first. But the end I just part of it. The sketsa. I am the Chinese. Not lying or being fake 100% as my blood flesh do have Chinese flowing in. Nor proud neither hate. Just be so.
FRIENDS. They come and go. Ex roomate is now my housemate. And have new roomates which is ex-Kuantan-ian. Freaking me out tau coz never get to know her before. Macam apa saja kan? Well, I already felt that I am the yang gila punya orang not people around me.LOL
I am reeeeally want to put some photos but since internet right here surely """LAJU""" macam ikan berenang. So better be doing something else. Gtg... (Part 2)
Here I go. Been in here PERLIS for about 2 weeks. Everything is going well. Well so am I. I am trying to be veeeeerrry saving punya person lah kan. You all pun. As long as you are not in school era anymore. You are either working or further studies kan? Am I right? So what else than being saving in every aspect of life. Or else your parent kayer rayer! Hahahaha That case pon, they still being saving.
Well, the orientation I have been too much brave to enter the ujibakat wat so ever kan. Then TERjoin geng of BORIA! I hate it freaking much first. But the end I just part of it. The sketsa. I am the Chinese. Not lying or being fake 100% as my blood flesh do have Chinese flowing in. Nor proud neither hate. Just be so.
FRIENDS. They come and go. Ex roomate is now my housemate. And have new roomates which is ex-Kuantan-ian. Freaking me out tau coz never get to know her before. Macam apa saja kan? Well, I already felt that I am the yang gila punya orang not people around me.LOL
I am reeeeally want to put some photos but since internet right here surely """LAJU""" macam ikan berenang. So better be doing something else. Gtg... (Part 2)
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
:Salam 3rd Ramadhan:
Just suit to the title itself. Nickname. Just in the first place you have to know when you give any nickname to someone it is not something that is what we called terrible. Even if it is hurful. Just endure with it because that is one of the way it is functioned in any relationship. For me frindship especially.
As for me I have many nickname. Let me think for awhile.....
It is about... Not many though. Just 6. In differ situation and differ person that responsible with.
1. ARA
:My father do called me by this even until now. Not just that even my relatives from Melaka. I hate them called me that but get to used with it after more that one decade of life through:
:According to mama story, when I was baby I am qiute slow compared to my older one. Just used to kura-kura (tortoise). When we make it short, it became ARA: =____="" (How could you) But now I am just in love with that creature.
2. FARHANA / FANA ( I hate the most; it means "binasa")
:By those who are friend to me. From kindergarden till lower secondary ONLY. Because after that I have been transfered to another school and started called by ......
:My family do called me by this name:
* so whenever I heard someone called me by Farhana means that he/she from my very previous school.
3. FAR
:Ain't that mean distant of place? Yeah it is. But learn to know and always remembered this person named Lyiana Akhiruddin (my dear compound mate for two years at MJSC Kuantan. I hate it at first. But that is how people know me. Even without realizing it I used to called myself that. And even for the first time ever in form 5 I urged to my Physics teacher to called me by that name. Till now it is:
4. ANA
:Called by those really close to me. My best friends (Wani, Sakilah, Azira). And my mother. It means "me". But some friends say, I just don't suit with this nickname. My roomates in MMC laughed out loud to me for this:
5. Rockers
:Just for awhile when I have had problems with my voise as I got cold. A friend named Fakhrul called me by these name for the whole week.
:Just not suit me at all. MMC-ians called me just because the roll I take for Minggu Orientasi. And succeed for this. ( in fact I thought for loss)
No matter what name those people called me / will called me by. I just take it and endure it. Because i realized that is one of the way people get to know you well. But here is some public selg regard used in Malaysia.
1. Aku-Kau (I - You)
:For those have close relationship already. For guys instead it is normal . Ain't it weird Malaysian? When you heard guys here called by Saya-Awak? Hahahaha sangat funnnnnnyyyy~
2. Saya-Awak
:For girls or any couple if in public:
Just suit to the title itself. Nickname. Just in the first place you have to know when you give any nickname to someone it is not something that is what we called terrible. Even if it is hurful. Just endure with it because that is one of the way it is functioned in any relationship. For me frindship especially.
As for me I have many nickname. Let me think for awhile.....
It is about... Not many though. Just 6. In differ situation and differ person that responsible with.
1. ARA
:My father do called me by this even until now. Not just that even my relatives from Melaka. I hate them called me that but get to used with it after more that one decade of life through:
:According to mama story, when I was baby I am qiute slow compared to my older one. Just used to kura-kura (tortoise). When we make it short, it became ARA: =____="" (How could you) But now I am just in love with that creature.
2. FARHANA / FANA ( I hate the most; it means "binasa")
:By those who are friend to me. From kindergarden till lower secondary ONLY. Because after that I have been transfered to another school and started called by ......
:My family do called me by this name:
* so whenever I heard someone called me by Farhana means that he/she from my very previous school.
3. FAR
:Ain't that mean distant of place? Yeah it is. But learn to know and always remembered this person named Lyiana Akhiruddin (my dear compound mate for two years at MJSC Kuantan. I hate it at first. But that is how people know me. Even without realizing it I used to called myself that. And even for the first time ever in form 5 I urged to my Physics teacher to called me by that name. Till now it is:
4. ANA
:Called by those really close to me. My best friends (Wani, Sakilah, Azira). And my mother. It means "me". But some friends say, I just don't suit with this nickname. My roomates in MMC laughed out loud to me for this:
5. Rockers
:Just for awhile when I have had problems with my voise as I got cold. A friend named Fakhrul called me by these name for the whole week.
:Just not suit me at all. MMC-ians called me just because the roll I take for Minggu Orientasi. And succeed for this. ( in fact I thought for loss)
No matter what name those people called me / will called me by. I just take it and endure it. Because i realized that is one of the way people get to know you well. But here is some public selg regard used in Malaysia.
1. Aku-Kau (I - You)
:For those have close relationship already. For guys instead it is normal . Ain't it weird Malaysian? When you heard guys here called by Saya-Awak? Hahahaha sangat funnnnnnyyyy~
2. Saya-Awak
:For girls or any couple if in public:
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Hak aku, Hak kamu, dan Hak mereka?
Salam, it's been loooooooooong while since the last post.
After the September (which is my birth month) I may won't be here as often as before. Is it? Just wait and see. Iyakah? May Yes May Not at all.
Congratulation to my ownself as I always get what I do not want to. But being able to remembered that it may be the best for me could calm me down. So here I will be soon. UniMAP. University of Malaysia Perlis.
Bachelor (Hons.) in Computer Engineering. So far from the heart really wanted.
My friend, Muhd Radhi bin Abu. This man, he gets overall of what I have dreamt about. Geology in UKM. But kawan, Gud luck yea? Dulu ypu have been in Perlis so that is now my turn. I've never been in Perlis before even it is just in Penisular Of Malaysia. Just like an American whom lived in New York never been in California. Hahahaha.
But now it is about right! Truth is, who you are sometimes the is boundary of right between us. You do bot have to do that just you are wondered. You just do not have done that just because you are what you are. I hate it because then in future I just stuck in the middle of grey that I do not know how to explain what is happening right there because of the right you have had. But I thought it thoroughly. Allah knew what is the best for me. Always think the side of positively as I could.
Do not thought of something bad when you are emotionally.
Do not talk when you are bad mood. If possible doe smile a lot.
You might hurt people around because of your weak EQ.
That is it. Oh by the way. Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to all Muslimin and Muslimat.
After the September (which is my birth month) I may won't be here as often as before. Is it? Just wait and see. Iyakah? May Yes May Not at all.
Congratulation to my ownself as I always get what I do not want to. But being able to remembered that it may be the best for me could calm me down. So here I will be soon. UniMAP. University of Malaysia Perlis.
Bachelor (Hons.) in Computer Engineering. So far from the heart really wanted.
My friend, Muhd Radhi bin Abu. This man, he gets overall of what I have dreamt about. Geology in UKM. But kawan, Gud luck yea? Dulu ypu have been in Perlis so that is now my turn. I've never been in Perlis before even it is just in Penisular Of Malaysia. Just like an American whom lived in New York never been in California. Hahahaha.
But now it is about right! Truth is, who you are sometimes the is boundary of right between us. You do bot have to do that just you are wondered. You just do not have done that just because you are what you are. I hate it because then in future I just stuck in the middle of grey that I do not know how to explain what is happening right there because of the right you have had. But I thought it thoroughly. Allah knew what is the best for me. Always think the side of positively as I could.
Do not thought of something bad when you are emotionally.
Do not talk when you are bad mood. If possible doe smile a lot.
You might hurt people around because of your weak EQ.
That is it. Oh by the way. Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak to all Muslimin and Muslimat.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Ohhhh...tidak! Saya sedang mencemburui kamu tahu? Pastilah kamu tidak tahu menahu sama sekali atau beberapa kalipun. Apakah ? Iwould say that anyone yang dapat my brother is totally bertuah mahkluk tu. Ok! Am not going to promote my brother . Nak lelong? Apatah lagi kan. Ingat boleh dijual beli ke manusia nih ?
Aku bercakap pasal his determination about someone ! Totally jeles gila uh. I wish "him" would be like that but. Since that the past. Malas nak cakapkan. Mulakan hidup baru.
About my brother. I just can say. I am not that close to him. Just once before dia masuk boarding school. Tapi remembered kot, some other time dia masakkan untuk aku (tak ingat) masa tengah demam. I almost can't believe that. I still remembered first time we all sent him to MJSC Pontian . Few nights before, together with him packing his clothes. And I also have thought of being in boarding school like he did. But I do admit I am not as smart as he is. I do envied him a lot lah. But after all he is my brother.
Even,no one ever knew that I have even once ambitioned to be a doctor like him one day. But I just can't. I excelled in Biology better that my Physic and Chemistry during high school.But it turned out to be I am just better at Physic. Even now. I am graduated from Matriculation with A- in Physic and B+ in Chemistry. Math? Do no ask! I do envy him.
As I also love him for being such a good big brother. Wish him the best in life. May Allah blessed you.
Ohhhh...tidak! Saya sedang mencemburui kamu tahu? Pastilah kamu tidak tahu menahu sama sekali atau beberapa kalipun. Apakah ? Iwould say that anyone yang dapat my brother is totally bertuah mahkluk tu. Ok! Am not going to promote my brother . Nak lelong? Apatah lagi kan. Ingat boleh dijual beli ke manusia nih ?
Aku bercakap pasal his determination about someone ! Totally jeles gila uh. I wish "him" would be like that but. Since that the past. Malas nak cakapkan. Mulakan hidup baru.
About my brother. I just can say. I am not that close to him. Just once before dia masuk boarding school. Tapi remembered kot, some other time dia masakkan untuk aku (tak ingat) masa tengah demam. I almost can't believe that. I still remembered first time we all sent him to MJSC Pontian . Few nights before, together with him packing his clothes. And I also have thought of being in boarding school like he did. But I do admit I am not as smart as he is. I do envied him a lot lah. But after all he is my brother.
Even,no one ever knew that I have even once ambitioned to be a doctor like him one day. But I just can't. I excelled in Biology better that my Physic and Chemistry during high school.But it turned out to be I am just better at Physic. Even now. I am graduated from Matriculation with A- in Physic and B+ in Chemistry. Math? Do no ask! I do envy him.
As I also love him for being such a good big brother. Wish him the best in life. May Allah blessed you.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Be Yourself Or Just Being Normal as Ever?
Assalamualaikum. Petang.
Awasi saya! Ada yang sedang duduk di belakang dan melihat-lihat apa-apa yang sedang saya karangkan. Saya atau aku sama sahaja. Aku lebih dekat. Saya lebih mendalam. Adakah perbezaannya? Pasti dan benar sekali.
"Saya ingin menjadi diri sendiri" atau "Just be yourself"
Dua kata-kata ini sesuai lah hanya pada mereka yang normal dan mengikur norma kehidupan. Hipokrit? Siapa antara kita yang tidak pernah hipokrit?
Contohnya :
:Situasi Satu:
Seorang temannya , A sedang berkarya dan seorang teman lain ke arah temannya, iaitu Teman B.
"Wah, cantiknya karya kau!"
Dalam ketika itu teman B dan C juga berada di tempat kejadian lalu menghampiri sehingga terpaculnya.
"Berbakatlah kau. Cantik"
Hakikatnya, teman A sedang tersipu-sipu malu yang macam haper je kan? Tapi, adakah A, B mahu pun C begitu jujur? Kalau ada yang mendengki? (itu lain cerita lah)
:Situasi Dua:
Teman D dan E keluar bersama-sama. Kononnya nak release tension (macam remaja sekarang). Berbelanja lah kan. Atau lebih tepat lagi bersoooppppping!
"Cantik tak baju ni?" D bertanya.
"Cantik, memang sesuai kalau kau pakai." E menjawab.
Macam ayat yang biasa dengar je. Tapi itulah dia.
:Situasi Tiga:
Agak besar sikit skop dia. Orang yang sedang bermesyuarat. Seorang memberikan idea. Maka yang lain akan bersetuju. Tapi di alam pekerjaan agak berbeza dan malah lebih mencabar. Kebanyakannya yang duduk dalam ofis yang sama tu MUSUH tahu? sebabnya semua inginkan yang terbaik. Saya pun mungkin tak terkecuali kelak (tapi tak mahu tikam kawan sendiri kan? Janganlah)
Hakikatnya di dunia ni, semua orang takmampu menjadi diri sendiri sepanjang masa atau anda akan dibenci secara serta merta. Umpamanya orang yang terlalu jujur memang menyakitkan hati. Orang yang kerap menipu kekadang disukai.
Hello guys, tak ada istilah tipu sunat tahu? Yang ada cuma yang dibolehkan . Contohnya untuk menyelamatkan keadaan.
Saya juga tidak menjadi diri sendiri tatkala kaki melangkah keluar dari pintu rumah. Mahu pun depan kawan baik saya sendiri. Tapi lebih 75% (insya-Allah ) adalah saya. Saya akui saya bukan seorang yang terlalu sopan santun macam perempuan lain. Tapi saya masih berhemah. Ke mana saja kita jejaki ingatlah yang kita membawa nama keluarga sekali. So jangan sebab terlalu nak jadi diri sendiri sampai memalukan nama baik keluarga.
Peace No War! :D
Hakikatnya jadi diri sendiri lebih baik kan?
Awasi saya! Ada yang sedang duduk di belakang dan melihat-lihat apa-apa yang sedang saya karangkan. Saya atau aku sama sahaja. Aku lebih dekat. Saya lebih mendalam. Adakah perbezaannya? Pasti dan benar sekali.
"Saya ingin menjadi diri sendiri" atau "Just be yourself"
Dua kata-kata ini sesuai lah hanya pada mereka yang normal dan mengikur norma kehidupan. Hipokrit? Siapa antara kita yang tidak pernah hipokrit?
Contohnya :
:Situasi Satu:
Seorang temannya , A sedang berkarya dan seorang teman lain ke arah temannya, iaitu Teman B.
"Wah, cantiknya karya kau!"
Dalam ketika itu teman B dan C juga berada di tempat kejadian lalu menghampiri sehingga terpaculnya.
"Berbakatlah kau. Cantik"
Hakikatnya, teman A sedang tersipu-sipu malu yang macam haper je kan? Tapi, adakah A, B mahu pun C begitu jujur? Kalau ada yang mendengki? (itu lain cerita lah)
:Situasi Dua:
Teman D dan E keluar bersama-sama. Kononnya nak release tension (macam remaja sekarang). Berbelanja lah kan. Atau lebih tepat lagi bersoooppppping!
"Cantik tak baju ni?" D bertanya.
"Cantik, memang sesuai kalau kau pakai." E menjawab.
Macam ayat yang biasa dengar je. Tapi itulah dia.
:Situasi Tiga:
Agak besar sikit skop dia. Orang yang sedang bermesyuarat. Seorang memberikan idea. Maka yang lain akan bersetuju. Tapi di alam pekerjaan agak berbeza dan malah lebih mencabar. Kebanyakannya yang duduk dalam ofis yang sama tu MUSUH tahu? sebabnya semua inginkan yang terbaik. Saya pun mungkin tak terkecuali kelak (tapi tak mahu tikam kawan sendiri kan? Janganlah)
Hakikatnya di dunia ni, semua orang takmampu menjadi diri sendiri sepanjang masa atau anda akan dibenci secara serta merta. Umpamanya orang yang terlalu jujur memang menyakitkan hati. Orang yang kerap menipu kekadang disukai.
Hello guys, tak ada istilah tipu sunat tahu? Yang ada cuma yang dibolehkan . Contohnya untuk menyelamatkan keadaan.
Saya juga tidak menjadi diri sendiri tatkala kaki melangkah keluar dari pintu rumah. Mahu pun depan kawan baik saya sendiri. Tapi lebih 75% (insya-Allah ) adalah saya. Saya akui saya bukan seorang yang terlalu sopan santun macam perempuan lain. Tapi saya masih berhemah. Ke mana saja kita jejaki ingatlah yang kita membawa nama keluarga sekali. So jangan sebab terlalu nak jadi diri sendiri sampai memalukan nama baik keluarga.
Peace No War! :D
Hakikatnya jadi diri sendiri lebih baik kan?
"Lebih baik dibenci kerana diri anda daripada disayangi kerana diri anda yang palsu"
"Original better than copy and hard to be"
(Macam kau nak pergi kedai dan buat fotokopi. Kena pakai duit lagi kan?)
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