Alhamdulillah (0_0)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

toodles me if ain't me

Salam, Nee Haou?
Ahahaha, itu saja yang saya tahu:)
But apa yang penting? Kenapa tiba-tiba, saya Nur Farhana?

I would like to make ermmm of me.
1.I really want a time machine
2.I have only few friends that trusted most
3.I had new crush on Chinese (far to get him(KMM):(( )
5.I am motivated by Quran and Hadith
6.the longest crush is infinity
7.I have waiting
8.I appreciated advices
9.I use English because those meant a lot to me
10.Nursyafawani,Farah Wahidah and Nurul Azira
11.Hilimi Azizi annoyed but my best friend
13. I love blue and green
14. When I get nervous I used English and mumble
15.I wanted to be Geologist soooo much( But now on engineering):(
16.Mama and Baba
17.Ym and India? 
18.Tei Yuan Wei
19.I miss u all
20.Ignorance sometimes great
21. Love to have fight
22.Easily distracted
23.I am not that innocence
24.Friendship issue always tears me up
25.Get to sleep when stress
26.Hate Korean Stars but vote for Japanese
27.Instead of anime
28.Fall for Naruto the series much6x
29.Called by name means respect
30. Best-est moment was 15 and 18/19 years old
31.Love making essay
32.Hate people keep repeating the same (just endure if I do love "them")
33.I love Physics and English
34. Fairuz,Delima,Arif, PK1, Inovatif,Kondusif,pst29
34.I want watermelon
35.I love my lappy
36.Wanna be bilionaire
37.I'm off
38.I'm no more child
39. UniMAP
40.FAll in love with CP
42.JAC kate suke manja ngan sy

I'm getting bored.So get to off~ Tata, Salam
p/s tak mengantuk un:'(

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