Alhamdulillah (0_0)

Thursday 26 January 2012

24 hours cycle

Assalamualaikum :)
Uarghhh!! Ana, who ask you to sleep till very late at night? Now, see.. what happen? Baru nak solat Subuh pukul 12.09? Well at noon. Bagus yer?
Astaghfirullah hal A'zim.
 And here it is.
A dialogue between a youngest brother and eldest sister:
YB : Tak baik buat orang macam tu, apa salah dia?
ES : Entahlah, rasa geram je, tapi tak pe, later I'll be okay. *senyum tak ikhlas
YB : Kalau kau tak cakap, diam je , kau ingat orang tu bomoh ke? Kesian la.
*berfikir seketika
ES : Ok. Nanti orang cakap.
YB : Kau kena cakap. Ingatm kalau kau benda jadi betul, kau kene terus cakap, tapi jangan terus marah jugak, semua orang pon buat salah, betul tak?
ES : Ok la~ Tapi betul ek? Tak elok?
YB : Sebab kalau orang kat tempat die, orang tak suka.
ES : Janji, nanty orang cakap, kay?

Later after that, yeah, I take my own words. But later also, lain yang jadi. Really maybe just everytime about my fault. 
I am being so unthinkable
I am being very lame
I am very like "Shut Up, Ana!"
And seriously I felt like crying when no one ever knows that :"(
Thank you , Allah for giving me the strength.

And what is more pain, 
when I'm try to do anything good the next minute, the next hour, the next day,
The EGO controlled people and those bad words come out.
Do not teach me with some kind of EGO.

Maybe I am just too bad to receive the kindness.
Allah bless us.
Amin :)

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